Wednesday 19th April 1995
- 8H30 Registration
- 9H00 Opening session
Session 1: Self-organisation
Chairman: F. Blayo (Univ. Paris I, France) - 9H10 "Self-organisation, metastable states and the ODE
method in the Kohonen neural network"
J.A. Flanagan, M. Hasler
E.P.F. Lausanne (Switzerland) - 9H30 "About the Kohonen algorithm: strong or weak self-organization?"
J.-C. Fort*, G. Pages**
*Univ. Nancy I & Univ. Paris I (France), **Univ. Paris 6 & Univ. Paris 12 (France) - 9H50 "Topological interpolation in SOM by affine transformations"
J. Goppert, W. Rosenstiel
Univ. Tuebingen (Germany) - 10H10 "Dynamic Neural Clustering"
K. Moscinska
Silesian Tech. Univ. (Poland) - 10H30 "Multiple correspondence analysis of a crosstabulations
matrix using the Kohonen algorithm"
S. Ibbou, M. Cottrell
Univ. Paris I (France) - 10H50 Coffee break
Session 2: Models 1
Chairman: J. Stonham (Brunel Univ., United Kingdom) - 11H10 "Identification of the human arm kinetics using
dynamic recurrent neural networks"
J.-P. Draye*, G. Cheron**, M. Bourgeois**, D. Pavisic*, G. Libert*
*Fac. Polytech. de Mons (Belgium), **Univ. Brussels (Belgium) - 11H30 "Simplified cascade-correlation learning"
M. Lehtokangas, J. Saarinen, K. Kaski
Tampere Univ. of Technology (Finland) - 11H50 "Active noise control with dynamic recurrent neural
D. Pavisic, L. Blondel, J.-P. Draye, G. Libert, P. Chapelle
Fac. Polytech. de Mons (Belgium) - 12H10 "Cascade learning for FIR-TDNNs"
M. Diepenhorst, J.A.G. Nijhuis, L. Spaanenburg
Rijksuniv. Groningen (The Netherlands) - 12H30 Lunch
- 14H00 Invited paper:
D. Stork (Ricoh California Research Center), A. Sperduti (Univ. di Pisa)
"Recent developments in transformation-invariant pattern classification"Session 3: Signal processing and chaos
Chairman: M. Hasler (E.P.F. Lausanne, Switzerland) - 14H45 "Adaptive signal processing with unidirectional
Hebbian adaptation laws"
J. Dehaene, J. Vandewalle
Kat. Univ. Leuven (Belgium) - 15H05 "MAP decomposition of a mixture of AR signal using
multilayer perceptrons"
C. Couvreur
Fac. Polytech. de Mons (Belgium) - 15H25 "XOR and backpropagation learning: in and out
of the chaos?"
K. Bertels*, L. Neuberg*, S. Vassiliadis**, G. Pechanek***
*Fac. Univ. N.-D. de la Paix (Belgium), **T.U. Delft (The Netherlands), ***IBM Microelectronics Div. (USA) - 15H45 "Analog Brownian weight movement for learning
of artificial neural networks"
M.R. Belli, M. Conti, C. Turchetti
Univ. of Ancona (Italy) - 16H05 Coffee break
Session 4: Biological models
Chairman: H.P. Mallot (Max-Planck Institut, Germany) - 16H30 "Spatial summation in simple cells: computational
and experimental results"
F. Worgotter*, E. Nelle*, B. Li**, L. Wang**, Y.-C. Diao**
*Ruhr Univ. Bochum (Germany), **Academia Sinica (China) - 16H50 "Activity-dependent neurite outgrowth in a simple
network model including excitation and inhibition"
C. van Oss, A. van Ooyen
Neth. Inst. for Brain Research (The Netherlands) - 17H10 "Predicting spike train responses of neuron models"
S. Joeken, H. Schwegler
Univ. of Bremen (Germany) - 17H30 "A distribution-based model of the dynamics of
neural networks in the cerebral cortex"
A. Terao*, M. Akamatsu*, J. Seal**
*Nat. Inst. of Bioscience and Human Technology (Japan), **CNRS Marseilles (France) - 17H50 "Some new results on the coding of pheromone intensity
in an olfactory sensory neuron"
A. Vermeulen*,**, J.-P. Rospars*, P. Lansky***,*, H.C. Tuckwell****,*
*INRA (France), **I.N.P. Grenoble (France), ***Acad. of Sciences (Czech Republic), ****Australian Nat. Univ. (Australia)
Thursday 20th April 1995
- 9H00 Invited paper:
P. Comon (Thomson-Sintra, France)
"Supervised classification: a probabilistic approach" - 9H30 Invited paper:
C. Jutten, O. Fambon (Inst. Nat. Pol. Grenoble, France)
"Pruning methods: a review" - 10H00 "A deterministic method for establishing the initial
conditions in the RCE algorithm"
J.M. Moreno, F.X. Vazquez, F. Castillo, J. Madrenas,
J. Cabestany Univ. Politecnica Catalunya (Spain) - 10H20 "Pruning kernel density estimators"
O. Fambon, C. Jutten
Inst. Nat. Pol. Grenoble (France) - 10H40 "Suboptimal Bayesian classification by vector
quantization with small clusters"
J.L. Voz, M. Verleysen, P. Thissen, J.D. Legat
Univ. Cat. Louvain (Belgium) - 11H00 Coffee break
Session 6: Theory of learning systems
Chairman: C. Touzet (IUSPIM Marseilles, France) - 11H20 "Knowledge and generalisation in simple learning
D. Barber, D. Saad
University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom) - 11H40 "Control of complexity in learning with perturbed
Y. Grandvalet*, S. Canu*, S. Boucheron**
*Univ. Tech. de Compiegne (France), **Univ. Paris-Sud (France) - 12H00 "An episodic knowledge base for object understanding"
U.-D. Braumann, H.-J. Boehme, H.-M. Gross
Tech. Univ. Ilmenau (Germany) - 12H20 "Neurosymbolic integration: unified versus hybrid
M. Hilario*, Y. Lallement**, F. Alexandre**
*Univ. Geneve (Switzerland), **INRIA (France) - 12H40 Lunch
Session 7: Biological vision
Chairman: J. Herault (Inst. Nat Polyt. Grenoble, France) - 14H00 "Improving object recognition by using a visual
latency mechanism"
R. Opara, F. Worgorter
Ruhr Univ. Bochum (Germany) - 14H20 "On the function of the retinal bipolar cell in
early vision"
S. Ohshima, T. Yagi, Y. Funahashi
Nagoya Inst. of Technology (Japan) - 14H40 "Sustained and transient amacrine cell circuits
underlying the receptive fields of ganglion cells in the vertebrate retina"
G. Maguire
Univ. of Texas (USA) - 15H00 "Latency-reduction in antagonistic visual channels
as the result of corticofugal feedback"
J. Kohn, F. Worgotter
Ruhr Univ. Bochum (Germany) - 15H20 Coffee break
Session 8: Models 2
Chairman: V. Kurkova (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) - 15H40 "On threshold circuit depth"
A. Albrecht
BerCom GmbH (Germany) - 16H00 "Minimum entropy queries for linear students learning
nonlinear rules"
P. Sollich
Univ. of Edinburg (United Kingdom) - 16H20 "An asymmetric associative memory model based
on relaxation labeling processes"
M. Pelillo, A.M. Fanelli
Univ. di Bari (Italy) - 16H40 "Invariant measure for an infinite neural network
T.S. Turova
Kat. Univ. Leuven (Belgium) - 17H00 "Growing adaptive neural networks with graph grammars"
S.M. Lucas
Univ. of Essex (United Kingdom) - 17H20 "Constructing feed-forward neural networks for
binary classification tasks"
C. Campbell*, C. Perez Vincente**
*Bristol Univ. (United Kingdom), **Univ. Barcelona (Spain) - 20H00 Conference dinner
Session 5: Special session on the Elena-Nerves2 ESPRIT Basic
Research project
Chairman: M. Cottrell (Univ. Paris I, France)
Friday 21th April 1995
- 9H00 "Improvement of EEG classification with a subject-specific
feature selection"
M. Pregenzer, G. Pfurtscheller, C. Andrew
Graz Univ. of Technology (Austria) - 9H20 "Neural networks for invariant pattern recognition"
J. Wood, J. Shawe-Taylor
Univ. of London (United Kingdom) - 9H40 "Derivation of a new criterion function based on
an information measure for improving piecewise linear separation incremental
J. Cuguero, J. Madrenas, J.M. Moreno, J. Cabestany
Univ. Politecnica Catalunya (Spain) - 10H00 "Neural network based one-step ahead control and
its stability"
Y. Tan, A.R. Van Cauwenberghe
Univ. of Gent (Belgium) - 10H20 "NLq theory: unifications in the theory of neural
networks, systems and control"
J. Suykens, B. De Moor, J. Vandewalle
Kat. Univ. Leuven (Belgium) - 10H40 Coffee break
- 11H00 Invited paper:
H.P. Mallot (Max-Planck-Institut, Germany)
"Learning of cognitive maps from sequences of views"Session 10: Radial-basis functions
Chairman: G. Pages (Univ. Paris VI, France) - 11H45 "Trimming the inputs of RBF networks"
C. Andrew*, M. Kubat**, G. Pfurtscheller*
*Graz Univ. Tech. (Austria), **Johannes Kepler Univ. (Austria) - 12H05 "Learning the appropriate representation paradigm
by circular processing units"
S. Ridella, S. Rovetta, R. Zunino
Univ. of Genoa (Italy) - 12H25 "Radial basis functions in the Fourier domain"
M. Orr
Univ. of Edinburgh (United Kingdom) - 12H45 Lunch
Session 11: Function approximation
Chairman: J. Vandewalle (Kat. Univ. Leuven, Belgium) - 14H00 "Function approximation by localized basis function
neural network"
M. Kokol, I. Grabec
Univ. of Ljubljana (Slovenia) - 14H20 "Functional approximation by perceptrons: a new
J.-G. Attali*, G. Pages**
*Univ. Paris I (France), **Univ. Paris 6 & Univ. Paris 12 (France) - 14H40 "Approximation of functions by Gaussian RBF networks
with bouded number of hidden units"
V. Kurkova
Acad. of Sciences (Czech Republic) - 15H00 "Neural network piecewise linear preprocessing
for time-series prediction"
T.W.S. Chow, C.T. Leung
City Univ. (Hong-Kong) - 15H20 "An upper estimate of the error of approximation
of continuous multivariable functions by KBF networks" K. Hlavackova
Acad. of Sciences (Czech Republic) - 15H40 Coffee break
Session 12: Multi-layer perceptrons
Chairman: W. Duch (Nicholas Copernicus Univ., Poland) - 16H00 "Multi-sigmoidal units and neural networks"
J.A. Drakopoulos
Stanford Univ. (USA) - 16H20 "Performance analysis of a MLP weight initialization
M. Karouia, R. Lengelle, T. Denoeux
Univ. Compiegne (France) - 16H40 "Alternative output representation schemes affect
learning and generalization of back-propagation ANNs; a decision support application"
P.K. Psomas, G.D. Hilakos, C.F. Christoyannis, N.K. Uzunoglu
Nat. Tech. Univ. Athens (Greece) - 17H00 "A new training algorithm for feedforward neural
B.K. Verma, J.J. Mulawka
Warsaw Univ. of Technology (Poland) - 17H20 "An evolutive architecture coupled with optimal
perceptron learning for classification"
J.-M. Torres Moreno, P. Peretto, M. B. Gordon
C.E.N. Grenoble (France)