The ESANN conferences follow the general publication ethics and publication malpractice statements; see for example Book Publishing Policies | Springer Nature | Policies | Springer Nature and In particular ESANN follows the COPE Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors on which the following statement is mainly based.
Technical committee
The Technical Program Committee (TPC) of the conference is in charge of peer-reviewing submissions. The list of TPC members is available on the conference website. These evaluations are carried out regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political beliefs, and institutions.
TPC members and publishing staff may not disclose manuscripts or their content, directly or indirectly, to anyone other than individuals invited to review or managing the publication process. They may not utilize the contents of submitted manuscripts, directly or indirectly for their own research purposes.
Only persons who have significantly contributed to the work and the manuscript can be named authors on a paper. Authors must all have agreed to be named for the manuscript to be submitted. Anyone who has contributed to the work and the manuscript at a not significant level may appear in the acknowledgement section of the manuscript.
Accuracy, Originality and Plagiarism
Authors should describe their work and the results of their work accurately and in full. The level of provided accuracy and detail should be such that a reader can replicate the work independently. Inaccurate, incomplete, fraudulent, and misleading statements are considered unacceptable and unethical. Direct or indirect use of other people’s work is not allowed, unless properly cited. Previous works that have influenced the current work should also be cited. Presenting someone else’s work as one’s own is strictly prohibited and is considered plagiarism.
Data and Material
Authors are encouraged to share their data, software, or other sharable material online, provided copyright and ownership laws surrounding that particular project permit.
Dual Submissions
Submitting a manuscript to more than one venue (conference, journal, etc) simultaneously is not allowed. Presenting previously published work without a significant new interpretation or analysis, is prohibited.
Reference: some of the above ethic rules are directly inspired from AIM.