Wednesday, 23.04.2025
Welcome introduction
Network Science Meets AI
Organized by: Matteo Zignani, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, Ingo Scholtes, Roberto Interdonato, Manuel Dileo
Organized by: Matteo Zignani, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, Ingo Scholtes, Roberto Interdonato, Manuel Dileo
Network Science Meets AI: A Converging Frontier
- Matteo Zignani, University of Milan (Italy)
- Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, Université Paris-Saclay (France)
- Ingo Scholtes, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany)
- Roberto Interdonato, CIRAD (France)
- Manuel Dileo, University of Milan (Italy)
Learning of Probability Estimates for System and Network Reliability Analysis by Means of Matrix Learning Vector Quantization
- Mandy Lange-Geisler , University of Applied Sciences Mittweida (germany )
- Klaus Dohmen, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida (Germany)
- Thomas Villmann, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, Saxon Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (Germany)
Enhancing neural link predictors for temporal knowledge graphs with temporal regularisers
- Manuel Dileo, University of Milan (Italy)
- Pasquale Minervini, University of Edinburgh; Miniml.AI (United Kingdom)
- Matteo Zignani, University of Milan (Italy)
- Sabrina Gaito, University of Milan (Italy)
Network Science Meets AI - poster spotlights
Organized by: Matteo Zignani, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, Ingo Scholtes, Roberto Interdonato, Manuel Dileo
Organized by: Matteo Zignani, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, Ingo Scholtes, Roberto Interdonato, Manuel Dileo
Hyperbolic representation learning in multi-layer tissue networks
- Domonkos Pogány, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering (Hungary)
- Péter Antal, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems (Hungary)
Topology-Aware Activation Functions in Neural Networks
- Pavel Snopov, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (USA)
- Oleg Musin, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (USA)
Streaming Continual Learning: fast adaptation and knowledge consolidation in dynamic environment
Organized by: Andrea Cossu, Federico Giannini, Giacomo Ziffer, Alessio Bernardo, Alexander Gepperth, Barbara Hammer, Emanuele Della Valle, Davide Bacciu
Organized by: Andrea Cossu, Federico Giannini, Giacomo Ziffer, Alessio Bernardo, Alexander Gepperth, Barbara Hammer, Emanuele Della Valle, Davide Bacciu
Don't drift away: Advances and Applications of Streaming and Continual Learning
- Andrea Cossu, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Davide Bacciu, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Alessio Bernardo, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- Emanuele Della Valle, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- Alexander Gepperth, University of Applied Sciences Fulda (Germany)
- Federico Giannini, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- Barbara Hammer, CITEC - Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Giacomo Ziffer, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Compression-based $k$NN for Class Incremental Continual Learning
- Valerie Vaquet, CITEC, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Jonas Vaquet, CITEC, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Fabian Hinder, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Barbara Hammer, CITEC - Bielefeld University (Germany)
Stability of State and Costate Dynamics in Continuous Time Recurrent Neural Networks
- Alessandro Betti, The IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy)
- Marco Gori, DIISM, University of Siena (Italy)
- Stefano Melacci, University of Siena (Italy)
Streaming Continual Learning: fast adaptation and knowledge consolidation in dynamic environment - poster spotlights
Organized by: Andrea Cossu, Federico Giannini, Giacomo Ziffer, Alessio Bernardo, Alexander Gepperth, Barbara Hammer, Emanuele Della Valle, Davide Bacciu
Organized by: Andrea Cossu, Federico Giannini, Giacomo Ziffer, Alessio Bernardo, Alexander Gepperth, Barbara Hammer, Emanuele Della Valle, Davide Bacciu
Towards Streaming Land Use Classification of Images with Temporal Distribution Shifts
- Lorenzo Iovine, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- Giacomo Ziffer, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- Andrea Proia, Thales Alenia Space Italia (Italy)
- Emanuele Della Valle, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Linear Domain Adaptation for Robustness to Electrode Shifts
- Rui Liu, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Benjamin Paassen, Bielefeld University (Germany)
Reducing the stability gap for continual learning at the edge with class balancing
- Wei Wei, University of Antwerp - imec, IDLab, Department of Computer Science (Belgium)
- Matthias Hutsebaut-Buysse, University of Antwerp - IDLab - imec (Belgium)
- Tom De Schepper, imec (Belgium)
- Kevin Mets, University of Antwerp - IDLab - imec (Belgium)
Replay-free Online Continual Learning with Self-Supervised MultiPatches
- Giacomo Cignoni, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa (Italy)
- Andrea Cossu, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Alexandra Gómez Villa, Computer Vision Center, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)
- Joost van de Weijer, Computer Vision Center, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Antonio Carta, University of Pisa (Italy)
Reward Incremental Learning
- Yannick Denker, Hochschule Fulda, University of applied sciences (Germany)
- Alex Gepperth, University of Applied Sciences Fulda (Germany)
Continual Unlearning through Memory Suppression
- Alexander Krawczyk, University of Applied Sciences Fulda (Germany)
- Alex Gepperth, University of Applied Sciences Fulda (Germany)
Continual Contrastive Learning on Tabular Data with Out of Distribution
- achmad ginanjar, The University of Queensland (Australia )
- Xue Li, The University of Queensland (Australia)
- Priyanka Singh, The University of Queensland (Australia)
- Wen Hua, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Coffee break
Unsupervised learning and dimensionality reduction
Generative Kernel Spectral Clustering
- Sonny Achten, KU Leuven (Belgium)
- David Winant, KU Leuven (Belgium)
- Johan Suykens, KU Leuven (Belgium)
Can MDS rival with t-SNE by using the symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence\\ across neighborhoods as a pseudo-distance?
- John Lee, UCLouvain (Belgium)
- Pierre Lambert, UCLouvain (Belgium)
- Edouard Couplet, UCLouvain (Belgique)
- Pierre Merveille, UCLouvain (Belgique)
- Ludovic Journaux, Institut Agro Dijon (France)
- Dounia Mulders, UCLouvain (Belgium)
- Cyril de Bodt, UCLouvain - ICTEAM (Belgium)
- Michel Verleysen, UCLouvain - ICTEAM institute (Belgium)
Adaptive Locally Aligned Ant Technique for Manifold Detection and Denoising
- Felipe Contreras, University of Groningen - Kapteyn Astronomical Institute (Colombia)
- Kerstin Bunte, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
- Reynier Peletier, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
Unsupervised learning and dimensionality reduction - poster spotlights
Explaining Outliers using Isolation Forest and Shapley Interactions
- Roel Visser, CITEC - Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Fabian Fumagalli, CITEC - Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Maximilian Muschalik, LMU Munich (Germany)
- Eyke Hüllermeier, LMU Munich (Germany)
- Barbara Hammer, CITEC - Bielefeld University (Germany)
Do not get lost in projection: finding the right distance for meaningful UMAP embeddings
- Eva Blanco-Mallo, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)
- Verónica Bolón-Canedo, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)
- Beatriz Remeseiro, University of Oviedo (Spain)
Image processing and deep learning
Machine Learning on Smartphone-Captured Diffraction Data
- Udo Seiffert, University of Magdeburg (Germany)
- Ashish Shivajirao Jadhav, University of Magdeburg (Germany)
- Andreas Backhaus, Compolytics GmbH (Germany)
Exoplanet detection in angular and spectral differential imaging with an accelerated proximal gradient algorithm
- Nicolas Mil-Homens Cavaco, UCLouvain (Belgique)
- Laurent Jacques, ICTEAM/UCLouvain (Belgium)
- Pierre-Antoine Absil, UCLouvain (Belgium)
Deciphering Barlow Twins: Redundancy Reduction is Insufficient and Normalization is Key
- Hans-Oliver Hansen, University of Lübeck, Institut for Neuro- and Bioinformatics (Germany)
- Marius Jahrens, University of Lübeck, Institute for Neuro- and Bioinformatics (Germany)
- Thomas Martinetz, Institute or Neuro- and Bioinformatics, University of Lübeck (Germany)
Benchmarking Data Augmentation for Contrastive Learning in Static Sign Language Recognition
- Ariel Basso Madjoukeng, University of Namur (Belgium)
- Jérôme Fink, University of Namur (Belgium)
- Pierre Poitier, University of Namur (Belgium)
- Bélise Kenmogne Edith, University of Dschang (Cameroun)
- Benoit Frénay, Université de Namur (Belgium)
JEPA for RL: Investigating Joint-Embedding Predictive Architectures for Reinforcement Learning
- Tristan Kenneweg, Univerisity of Bielefeld (Germany)
- Philip Kenneweg, University Bielefeld (Germany)
- Barbara Hammer, CITEC - Bielefeld University (Germany)
A variational framework for local learning with probabilistic latent representations
- Cabrel Teguemne Fokam, CITEC - Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Khaleelulla Khan Nazeer, Technical University Dresden (DE)
- Christian Mayr, Technical University Dresden
- Anand Subramoney, Royal Holloway, University of London (United Kingdom)
- David Kappel, CITEC - Bielefeld University
Enhancing Image Classification in Quantum Computing: A Study on Preprocessing Techniques and Qubit Limitations
- Henrique Alves Barbosa, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil)
- Gustavo Augusto Pires, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil)
- Juliana Assis Alves, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil)
- Luiz Torres, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Brazil)
- Janier Arias García, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil)
- Frederico Gualberto Ferreira Coelho, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Image processing and deep learning - poster spotlights
Mask-Aware Cropping: Mitigating Mask Imbalance in Segmentation Tasks
- Robin Ghyselinck, Université de Namur (Belgium)
- Valentin Delchevalerie, University of Namur (Belgium)
- Benoit Frénay, Université de Namur (Belgium)
- Bruno Dumas, University of Namur (Belgium)
Improving Robustness of Defect Detection models using Adversarial-based Data Augmentation
- Daniel García, University of Oviedo (Spain)
- Aleix García, Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)
- Diego Garcia-Perez, University of Oviedo (SPAIN)
- Ignacio Diaz-Blanco, University of Oviedo (SPAIN)
Shallow convolution and attention-based models for micro-expression recognition
- Tanmay Verlekar, BITS Pilani, Goa campus (India)
- Prateek Upadhya
Solar Panel Segmentation on Aerial Images using Color and Elevation Information
- Gerrit Luimstra, University of Groningen (Netherlands)
- Kerstin Bunte, University of Groningen (Netherlands)
Leveraging Segmentation Maps to improve Skin Lesion Classification
- Simone Bonechi, University of Siena (Italy)
- Paolo Andreini, University of Siena (Italy)
- Fiamma Romagnoli, Institute of Informatics and Telematics, CNR (Italy)
Semantic Segmentation for Waterbody Extraction Using Superpixels and Convolutional Neural Networks Classifier
- Salim Iratni, UMMTO (Algeria)
- Ferhat Attal, UPEC (France)
- Yacine Amirat, UPEC (France)
- Abdelgahni chibani, UPEC (France)
- Moussa Diaf, UMMTO (Algeria)
A feedback-loop approach for galaxy physical properties estimation
- Davide Zago, University of Turin (Italy)
- Giovanni Bonetta, Bruno Kessler Foundation (Italy)
- Rossella Cancelliere, University of Turin (Italy)
- Mario Gai, National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) (Italy)
Generalized Stochastic Pooling
- Francesco Landolfi, Huawei Technologies (Ireland) Co., Ltd (Ireland)
- Davide Bacciu, University of Pisa (Italy)
Hierarchical Residuals Exploit Brain-Inspired Compositionality
- Francisco M. López, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (Germany)
- Jochen Triesch, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies and Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Germany)
Comparison of convolutional neural networks approaches applied to the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
- Leandro Coelho, Federal University of Parana (UFPR) (Brazil)
- Luiza Scapinello Aquino da Silva, Federal University of Parana (UFPR) (Brazil)
- Leonardo Alexandre de Geus, Pontifical Catholic University of Parana (UFPR) (Brazil)
- Viviana Cocco Mariani, Federal University of Parana (UFPR) (Brazil)
INAM: Image-Scale Neural Additive Models
- Jana Hüls, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg (Deutschland )
- Jan-Ole Perschewski, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany)
- Sebastian Stober, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany)
Multi-View Graph Neural Network for Image Segmentation : Intermediate vs Late Fusion
- Elie Karam, Université d'Angers - LARIS Université Catholique de l'Ouest Université Libanaise - EDST (France)
- Nisrine JRAD, Université Catholique de l'Ouest - LARIS (France)
- Patty Coupeau, Université d'Angers - LARIS (France)
- Doron Tobiano, Université Catholique de l'Ouest - LARIS
- Jean-Baptiste Fasquel, Université d'Angers - LARIS (France)
- Fahed Abdallah, Université Libanaise - EDST Université de Lorraine - LCOMS
O-Net: a Brain Tumor segmentation architecture based on U-Net using alternated Pooling
- Omar EL BARRAJ, LARIS, University of Angers (France)
- Aya HAGE CHEHADE, LabISEN, Yncrea Ouest (France)
- Jean-Marie MARION, Université Catholique de l'Ouest - LARIS (France)
- Mohamad Oueidat, Lebanese University (Lebanon)
- Pierre Chauvet, Université Catholique de l'Ouest - LARIS (France)
- Nassib ABDALLAH, LaTIM, INSERM UMR 1101, University of Brest (France)
Poster exhibition
Thursday, 24.04.2025
Foundation and Generative Models for Graphs
Organized by: Davide Rigoni, Luca Pasa, Federico Errica, Daniele Zambon, Davide Bacciu, Stefano Moro
Organized by: Davide Rigoni, Luca Pasa, Federico Errica, Daniele Zambon, Davide Bacciu, Stefano Moro
Foundation and Generative Models for Graphs
- Davide Bacciu, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Federico Errica, NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH (Germany)
- Stefano Moro, University of Padova (Italy)
- Luca Pasa, University of Padova (Italy)
- Davide Rigoni, University of Padova (Italy)
- Daniele Zambon, The Swiss AI Lab IDSIA (Switzerland)
D4: Distance Diffusion for a Truly Equivariant Molecular Design
- Samuel Cognolato, University of Padua, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) (Italy)
- Davide Rigoni, University of Padova (Italy)
- Marco Ballarini, University of Padova (Italy)
- Luciano Serafini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) (Italy)
- Stefano Moro, University of Padova (Italy)
- Alessandro Sperduti, University of Padua (Italy)
Encoding Graph Topology with Randomized Ising Models
- Domenico Tortorella, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Antonio Brau, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Alessio Micheli, Università di Pisa (Italy)
Robustness in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks: A Link Prediction Approach
- Alessandro Dipalma, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Domenico Tortorella, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Alessio Micheli, Università di Pisa (Italy)
3-WL GNNs for Metric Learning on Graphs
- Aldo Moscatelli, LITIS Lab Université Rouen Normandie France (France)
- Maxime Berar, LITIS Lab, Université Rouen Normandie (France)
- Pierre Héroux, LITIS Lab Université Rouen Normandie France (France)
- Florian Yger, LITIS - INSA Rouen Normandie (France)
- Sebastien Adam, LITIS Lab Université Rouen Normandie France (France)
Foundation and Generative Models for Graphs - poster spotlights
Organized by: Davide Rigoni, Luca Pasa, Federico Errica, Daniele Zambon, Davide Bacciu, Stefano Moro
Organized by: Davide Rigoni, Luca Pasa, Federico Errica, Daniele Zambon, Davide Bacciu, Stefano Moro
Towards Efficient Molecular Property Optimization with Graph Energy Based Models
- Luca Miglior, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Lorenzo Simone, Università di Pisa (Italy)
- Marco Podda, Università di Pisa (Italy)
- Davide Bacciu, University of Pisa (Italy)
Coffee break
Machine learning and applied Artificial Intelligence in cognitive sciences and psychology
Organized by: Caroline König, Alfredo Vellido, Steffen Moritz, Susana Ochoa Güerre
Organized by: Caroline König, Alfredo Vellido, Steffen Moritz, Susana Ochoa Güerre
Machine Learning and applied Artificial Intelligence in cognitive sciences and pyschology: a tutorial
- Caroline König, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)
- Alfredo Vellido, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech) (España)
Introducing Intrinsic Motivation in Elastic Decision Transformers
- Leonardo Guiducci, DISPOC, Unisi (Italy)
- Giovanna Maria Dimitri, Università degli Studi di Siena (italy)
- Giulia Palma , DISPOC, Unisi (Italy)
- Antonio Rizzo, DISPOC, Unisi (Italy)
Direct versus intermediate multi-task transfer learning for dementia detection from unstructured conversations
- Dan Kumpik , University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
- Yoav Ben-Shlomo, University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
- Elizabeth Coulthard, University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
- Alexander Hepburn, University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
- Raul Santos-Rodriguez, University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
Machine learning and applied Artificial Intelligence in cognitive sciences and psychology - poster spotlights
Organized by: Caroline König, Alfredo Vellido, Steffen Moritz, Susana Ochoa Güerre
Organized by: Caroline König, Alfredo Vellido, Steffen Moritz, Susana Ochoa Güerre
The Regulatory Character of Boredom in AI - Towards a Self-Regulating System based on Spiking Neural Networks
- Patrick Schoefer, Department of Neuromorphic Information Processing, Leipzig University (Germany)
- James Danckert, Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo (Canada)
- Peter Stadler, Department of Bioinformatics, Leipzig University (Germany)
- Martin Bogdan, Leipzig University (Germany)
Altered emotion recognition from psychiatric patient profiles using Machine Learning
- Pedro Jesús Copado, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)
- Martha Ivon Cardenas, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)
- Alfredo Vellido, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech) (España)
- Caroline König, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)
Explainable deep learning reveals a behavioral strategy underlying human decisions in a spatial navigation task
- Youri MARQUISE, Institut de la vision, Sorbonne Université (France)
Sleep Staging with Gradient Boosting and DWT-PSD Features from EEG/EOG Signals
- Luis Alfredo Moctezuma Pascual, University of Tsukuba (Japan)
- Yoko Suzuki, University of Tsukuba (Japan)
- Junya Furuki, University of Tsukuba (Japan)
- Marta Molinas, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)
- Takashi Abe, University of Tsukuba (Japan)
Multimodal Explainable Automated Diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Meryem Ben Yahia, Université Jean-monnet (Austria)
- Moncef Garouani, IRIT, UMR 5505 CNRS, Université Toulouse Capitole, Toulouse, France (France)
- Julien Aligon, IRIT, UMR 5505 CNRS, Université Toulouse Capitole, Toulouse, France (France)
Screening Dyslexia for English: Impact of Heterogeneity in Demographic Variables
- Enrique Romero, Univesitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)
- Luz Rello, IE University (Spain)
Reinforcement learning
TEA: Trajectory Encoding Augmentation for Robust and Transferable Policies in Offline Reinforcement Learning
- Batıkan Bora Ormancı, Siemens AG/ TU Munich (Germany)
- Phillip Swazinna, Siemens Technology (Germany)
- Steffen Udluft, Siemens Technology (Germany)
- Thomas Runkler, Siemens AG/ TU Munich (Germany)
Reinforcement learning - poster spotlights
Robust Evolutionary Multi-Objective Neural Architecture Search for Reinforcement Learning (EMNAS-RL)
- Nihal Acharya Adde, Volkswagen AG, TU Berlin (Germany)
- Alexandra Gianzina, Volkswagen AG (Germany)
- Hanno Gottschalk, TU Berlin (Germany)
- Andreas Ebert, Volkswagen AG (Germany)
Is Q-learning an Ill-posed Problem?
- Philipp Wissmann, Siemens AG (Deutschland)
- Daniel Hein, Siemens AG (Germany)
- Steffen Udluft, Siemens Technology (Germany)
- Thomas Runkler, Siemens AG/ TU Munich (Germany)
Reinforcement learning-based control system for biogas plants in laboratory scale
- Alberto Meola, DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH (Germany)
- Sören Weinrich, Münster University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
- Oliver Kiefner, DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH (Germany)
- Félix Delory, DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH (Germany)
Data-Density guided Reinforcement Learning
- Leon Lantz, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Germany)
- Maximilian Schieder, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Germany)
- Michel Tokic, Siemens AG / LMU Munich (Germany)
Classification and statistical learning
Reconciling Grokking with Statistical Learning Theory
- Luca Oneto, University of Genoa (Italy)
- Sandro Ridella, University of Genoa (Italy)
- Andrea Coraddu, Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
- Davide Anguita, DIBRIS - University of Genova (Italy)
Coherence-based Sample Selection for Class-incremental Learning
- Andrea Daou, DATAHERTZ (France)
- Jean-Baptiste Pothin, DATAHERTZ (France)
- Paul Honeine, LITIS Lab, Université de Rouen Normandie (France)
- Abdelaziz Bensrhair, Univ Rouen Normandie, INSA Rouen Normandie, Université Le Havre Normandie, Normandie Univ, LITIS UR 4108 (France)
Hierarchical decomposition through "Mental Images" evaluation
- Gianluca Coda, CNR (Italy)
- Massimo De Gregorio, CNR (Italy)
- Antonio Sorgente, CNR (Italy)
- Paolo Vanacore, CNR (Italy)
Investigating the Impact of Imbalanced Medical Data on the Performance of Self-Supervised Learning Approaches
- Manuel Laufer, Institute for Neuro- and Bioinformatics, University of Lübeck (Germany)
- Felicitas Brokmann, Institute for Neuro- and Bioinformatics, University of Lübeck (Germany)
- Dominik Mairhöfer, Institute for Neuro- and Bioinformatics, University of Lübeck (Germany)
- Erhardt Barth, Institute for Neuro- and Bioinformatics, University of Lübeck (Germany)
- Thomas Martinetz, Institute or Neuro- and Bioinformatics, University of Lübeck (Germany)
Towards Learning Vector Quantization in the Setting of Homomorphic Encryption
- Thomas Davies, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Saxon Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (Germany)
- Ronny Schubert, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Saxon Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (Deutschland)
- Mandy Lange-Geisler , University of Applied Sciences Mittweida (germany )
- Klaus Dohmen, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida (Germany)
- Thomas Villmann, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, Saxon Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (Germany)
Integrating Class Relation Knowledge in Probabilistic Learning Vector Quantization
- Marika Kaden, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Saxon Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (Germany)
- Ronny Schubert, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Saxon Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (Deutschland)
- Tina Geweniger, Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau (Germany)
- Wieland Hermann, SRO AG Spital - Neurologie (Switzerland)
- Thomas Villmann, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, Saxon Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (Germany)
Mitigating the Bias in Data for Fairness Using an Advanced Generalized Learning Vector Quantization Approach -- FA(IR)$^2$MA-GLVQ
- Marika Kaden, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Saxon Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (Germany)
- Alexander Engelsberger, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Saxon Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (Deutschland)
- Ronny Schubert, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Saxon Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (Deutschland)
- Sofie Lövdal, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), Department of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen -The Netherlands (The Netherlands)
- Elina van den Brandhof, Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands (The Netherlands)
- Michael Biehl, University of Groningen, Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (The Netherlands)
- Thomas Villmann, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, Saxon Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (Germany)
Classification and statistical learning - poster spotlights
Multiclass Adaptive Subspace Learning
- Peter Preinesberger, Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Germany)
- Maximilian Münch, Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (Germany)
- Frank-Michael Schleif, Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Germany)
Ranking the scores of algorithms with confidence
- Adrien Foucart, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
- Arthur Elskens, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
- Christine Decaestecker, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
The Role of the Learning Rate in Layered Neural Networks with ReLU Activation Function
- Otavio Citton, Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
- Frederieke Richert, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
- Michael Biehl, University of Groningen, Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (The Netherlands)
Growth strategies for arbitrary DAG neural architectures
- Stella Douka, Inria ~ Universite Paris-Saclay (France)
- Verbockhaven Verbockhaven, INRIA (FR)
- Théo Rudkiewicz, INRIA, Université Paris-Saclay (France)
- Stéphane Rivaud, INRIA Saclay (France)
- François P. Landes, INRIA - Université Paris-Saclay (France)
- Sylvain Chevallier, LISN - Université Paris-Saclay (France)
- Guillaume Charpiat, INRIA (France)
Making Convolutional Neural Networks Energy-Efficient: An Introduction
- Noémie Draguet, University of Namur (Belgium)
- Benoit Frénay, Université de Namur (Belgium)
Membership Inference Attack in Random Forests
- Fatemeh Akbarian, Lund University (Sweden)
- Amir Aminifar, Lund University (Sweden)
A new approach to multilayer SVMs
- Lluis Belanche, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Catalonia, Spain)
Enhancing Computer Vision with Knowledge: a Rummikub Case Study
- Simon Vandevelde, KU Leuven (Belgium)
- Laurent Mertens, KU Leuven
- Sverre Lauwers, KU Leuven (Belgium)
- Joost Vennekens, KU Leuven (Belgium)
Evolutionary Fault Localization Based on the Diversity of Suspiciousness Values
- Willian Ferreira, Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG) - Instituto de Informatica (INF) (Brazil)
- Plinio S. Leitao-Junior, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) - Instituto de Informática (INF) (Brazil)
- Deuslirio Silva-Junior, Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG) - Instituto de Informatica (INF) (Brazil)
- Rachel Harrison, Oxford Brookes University - School of Engineering, Computing and Maths (United Kingdom)
Proactive Privacy Risk Assessment for Android Applications: A Machine Learning Based-Approach
- Narjes Doggaz, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis (Tunisia)
- Aissa Trad, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis (Tunisia)
- Hella Kaffel Ben Ayed, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis (Tunisia)
Time series - poster spotlights
A Model of Memristive Nanowire Neuron for Recurrent Neural Networks
- Veronica Pistolesi, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Andrea Ceni, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Gianluca Milano, Istituto nazionale di ricerca metrologica (INRiM) (Italy)
- Carlo Ricciardi, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
- Claudio Gallicchio, University of Pisa (Italy)
Performance monitoring and wear comprehension through Neural Network
- Thomas Binet, LIPN (Sorbonne Paris Nord) and Safran Aircraft Engines (France)
- Hanane Azzag, LIPN UMR CNRS 7030, Sorbonne Paris Nord University (USPN) (France)
- Mustapha Lebbah, Université Paris-Saclay - UVSQ Versailles Campus (France)
- Jérôme Lacaille, Datalab, Safran Aircraft Engines (France)
On Domain Generalization for Human Activity Recognition with Mix-Based Methods
- Otávio Napoli, UNICAMP (Brazil)
- Edson Borin, UNICAMP - Institute of Computing (Brazil)
Investigating four deep learning approaches as candidates for unified models in time series forecasting and event prediction: application in anesthesia training
- Quentin Victor, Nantes University (France)
- Ianis Clavier, Nantes University (France)
- Hugo Boisaubert, Nantes University (FRANCE)
- Fabien Picarougne, Nantes University (France)
- Corinne Lejus-Bourdeau, Nantes University Hospital (France)
- Christine Sinoquet, Nantes Digital Science Laboratory (LS2N / UMR CNRS 6004) Nantes University (France)
Generate Polyphonic Music with Multivariate Masked Autoregressive Flow
- Massimiliano Sirgiovanni, University of Florence (Italia)
- Daniele Castellana, University of Florence (Italy)
Poster exhibition
Friday, 25.04.2025
Quantum, Quantum Inspired and Hybrid Machine Learning
Organized by: Hans-Martin Rieser, Markus Lange, M. Lautaro Hickmann
Organized by: Hans-Martin Rieser, Markus Lange, M. Lautaro Hickmann
Enhancing Machine Learning with Quantum Methods
- M. Lautaro Hickmann, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) - Institut für KI-Sicherheit (Germany)
- Markus Lange, Institute for AI-Safety and Security German Aerospace Center (DLR) (Germany)
- Hans-Martin Rieser, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) - Institut für KI-Sicherheit (Germany)
Quantum Annealing based Feature Selection
- Daniel Pranjic, Fraunhofer IAO (DE)
- Bharadwaj Chowdary Mummaneni, Fraunhofer IAO (DE)
- Christian Tutschku, Fraunhofer IAO (DE)
Quantum, Quantum Inspired and Hybrid Machine Learning - poster spotlights
Organized by: Hans-Martin Rieser, Markus Lange, M. Lautaro Hickmann
Organized by: Hans-Martin Rieser, Markus Lange, M. Lautaro Hickmann
Encoding hyperspectral data with low-bond dimension quantum tensor networks
- Fabian Fischbach, German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute for AI Safety and Security (Germany)
- Hans-Martin Rieser, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) - Institut für KI-Sicherheit (Germany)
- Oliver Sefrin, German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Quantum Technologies (Germany)
CompactifAI: Extreme Compression of Large Language Models using Quantum-Inspired Tensor Networks
- Saeed Jahromi
- Uygar Kurt, MVC (Spain)
- Sukhi Singh
- David Montero, Multiverse Computing (Spain)
- Borja Aizpurua Altuna, Multiverse Computing (Spain)
- Román Orús Lacort, Multiverse Computing (Spain)
Quantum Tensor Network Learning with DMRG
- Gustav Jäger, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Institut für KI-Sicherheit (Germany)
- Martin B. Plenio, Universität Ulm – Institut für Theoretische Physik and IQST (Germany)
- Hans-Martin Rieser, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) - Institut für KI-Sicherheit (Germany)
Expressivity vs. Generalization in Quantum Kernel Methods
- Markus Gross, Institute for AI Safety and Security German Aerospace Center (DLR e.V.) (Germany)
- Markus Lange, Institute for AI-Safety and Security German Aerospace Center (DLR) (Germany)
- Bogusz Bujnowski, Institute for AI-Safety and Security German Aerospace Center (DLR) (Germany)
- Hans-Martin Rieser, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) - Institut für KI-Sicherheit (Germany)
Domain adaptation and federated learning
Adversarial Attacks for Drift Detection
- Fabian Hinder, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Valerie Vaquet, CITEC, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Barbara Hammer, Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC), Bielefeld University (Germany)
Conceptualizing Concept Drift
- Isaac Roberts, Bielefeld University - Faculty of Technology (Germany)
- Fabian Hinder, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Valerie Vaquet, CITEC, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Alexander Schulz, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Barbara Hammer, CITEC - Bielefeld University (Germany)
RAM: Retrieval Augmented Modelling for Tabular In-Context Few-Shot Domain Adaptation
- Oleh Kostromin, Software Competence Center Hagenberg (Austria)
- Felix Kossak, Software Competence Center Hagenberg (Austria)
- Michael Zwick, Software Competence Center Hagenberg (Austria)
Domain adaptation and federated learning - poster spotlights
Resource-Aware Cooperation in Federated Learning
- Manuel Röder, Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Germany)
- Fabian Geiger, JMU Würzburg, Faculty of Business Management and Economics (Germany)
- Frank-Michael Schleif, Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Germany)
SecureBFL: a Blockchain-enhanced federated learning architecture with MPC
- Tanguy Vansnick, University of Mons (Belgique)
- Leandro Collier, CETIC (Belgique)
- Saïd Mahmoudi, UMONS (Belgium)
Coffre break
Explainable AI and representation learning
Implicit Neural Decision Trees
- Francesco Spinnato, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Antonio Mastropietro, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Riccardo Guidotti, University of Pisa (Italia)
Encoding Higher-Order Logic in Spatio-Temporal Hypergraphs for Neuro-Symbolic Learning
- Bikram Pratim BHUYAN, LISV Laboratory, Université Paris-Saclay (France)
- Amylia AIT SAADI, LISV Laboratory, Université Paris-Saclay (France)
- Amar RAMDANE-CHERIF, LISV Laboratory, Université Paris-Saclay (France)
Project-Specific Code Summarization with Meta-Learning and Explainability Techniques
- Quang-Huy Nguyen, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Science, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Vietnam)
- Hoai-Phong Le, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Science, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Vietnam)
- Bac Le, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Science, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Vietnam)
Explainable AI and representation learning - poster spotlights
Trajectory-Embedded Matryoshka Representation Learning for Enhanced Similarity Analysis
- Federico Pennino, Università di Bologna (Italia)
- Andrea Gurioli, Università di Bologna (Italy)
- Maurizio Gabbrielli, Università di Bologna (Italy)
Encoding Matters: Impact of Categorical Variable Encoding on Performance and Bias
- Daniel Kopp, ChaLearn (United States of America)
- Benjamin Maudet, Université Paris-Saclay (France)
- Lisheng Sun-Hosoya, Université Paris-Saclay (France)
- Kristin Bennett, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (United States)
Explainable ensemble learning for structural damage prediction under seismic events
- Michele Baldassini, Department of Information Engineering - University of Pisa (Italy)
- Pierfrancesco Foglia, Department of Information Engineering - University of Pisa (Italy)
- Beatrice Lazzerini, Department of Information Engineering - University of Pisa (Italy)
- Francesco Pistolesi, Department of Information Engineering - University of Pisa (Italy)
- Cosimo Antonio Prete, Department of Information Engineering - University of Pisa (Italy)
Interpretable machine learning for the diagnosis of hyperkinetic movement disorders
- Elina van den Brandhof, Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands (The Netherlands)
- Jan W.J. Elting, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), Department of Neurology, Groningen, The Netherlands (The Netherlands)
- Inge Tuitert, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), Department of Neurology, Groningen, The Netherlands (The Netherlands)
- A.M. Madelein van der Stouwe, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), Department of Neurology, Groningen, The Netherlands
- Jelle R. Dalenberg, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), Department of Neurology, Groningen, The Netherlands (The Netherlands)
- Marina A.J. Tijssen, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), Department of Neurology, Groningen, The Netherlands (The Netherlands)
- Michael Biehl, University of Groningen, Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (The Netherlands)
Generating Synthetic Spectral Data using Conditional DDPM
- Fabian Kubiczek, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund (Germany)
- Stefan Patzke, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund (Germany)
- Jörg Thiem, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund (Germany)
Natural language processing
Isotropy Matters: Soft-ZCA Whitening of Embeddings for Semantic Code Search
- Andor Diera, Ulm University (Germany)
- Lukas Galke, University of Southern Denmark (Denmark)
- Ansgar Scherp, Ulm University (Germany)
Natural language processing - poster spotlights
Open-Vocabulary Robotic Object Manipulation using Foundation Models
- Stig Griebenow, University of Hamburg (Germany)
- Ozan Özdemir, University of Hamburg, Dept. of Informatics, WTM (Germany)
- Cornelius Weber, University of Hamburg, Dept. of Informatics, WTM (Germany)
- Stefan Wermter, University of Hamburg, Dept. of Informatics, WTM (Germany)
Improving Privacy Benefits of Redaction
- Vaibhav Gusain, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)
- Douglas Leith, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)
Early Prediction of Dynamic Sparsity in Large Language Models
- Reza Sedghi, Institut für Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany)
- Amit Kumar Pal, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany)
- Anand Subramoney, Royal Holloway, University of London (United Kingdom)
- David Kappel, Institut für Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany)
Unlocking Structured Thinking in Language Models with Cognitive Prompting
- Oliver Kramer, University of Oldenburg (Germany)
- Jill Baumann, University of Oldenburg (Germany)
Comparing Modern LLM Quantization Methods Across Natural Languages
- Maksym Iakovenko, University of Mons (Belgium)
- Stéphane Dupont, MAIA Artificial Intelligence Lab, Faculty of Science, University of Mons (Belgium)
Evaluating Concept Discovery Methods for Sensitive Attributes in Language Models
- Sarah Schröder, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Alexander Schulz, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Barbara Hammer, CITEC - Bielefeld University (Germany)
Evaluating Text Representations Techniques for Hypernymy Detection: The Case of Arabic Language
- Randah Alharbi, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia)
- Husni Al-Muhtaseb, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia)
Dynamical systems and recurrent learning
Towards Adaptive and Stable Compositional Assemblies of Recurrent Neural Network Modules
- Valerio De Caro, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Andrea Ceni, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Davide Bacciu, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Claudio Gallicchio, University of Pisa (Italy)
Solving Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Convection using Fourier Neural Operators
- Michiel Straat, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Thorben Markmann, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Barbara Hammer, CITEC - Bielefeld University (Germany)
Predictive Coding Dynamics Enhance Model-Brain Similarity
- Manshan Guo, Goethe universität Frankfurt, Freie universität Berlin (Germany)
- Michael Samjatin
- Bhavin Choksi, Goëthe Universität (Germany)
- sari sadiya, goethe universit frankfurt (Germany)
- Radoslaw Cichy
- Gemma Roig
Efficient Training of Neural SDEs Using Stochastic Optimal Control
- Rembert Daems, Ghent University (Belgium)
- Manfred Opper
- Guillaume Crevecoeur
- Tolga Birdal, Imperial College London (United Kingdom)
Dynamical systems and recurrent learning - poster spotlights
The Reinforced Liquid State Machine: A New Training Architecture for Spiking Neural Networks
- Dominik Krenzer, Leipzig University - Neuromorphic Information Processing (Germany)
- Martin Bogdan, Leipzig University (Germany)
Motif-augmented classical music synthesis via recurrent neural networks
- Alexandru-Ion Marinescu, Babes-Bolyai University (Romania)
Analysing the impact of brain-inspired predictive coding dynamics through gradient based explainability methods
- Bhavin Choksi, Goëthe Universität (Germany)
- Gionata Paolo Zalaffi, Sapienza University (Italy)
- Giovanna Maria Dimitri, Università degli Studi di Siena (italy)
- Gemma Roig, Goëthe Universität (Germany)
A Pipeline based on Differential Evolution for Tuning Parameters of Synaptic Dynamics Models
- Ferney Beltran-Velandia, Leipzig University (Germany)
- Nico Scherf, Max-Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (Germany)
- Martin Bogdan, Leipzig University (Germany)
Influence of function nodes on automated generation of routing policies with genetic programming
- Marko Đurasević, University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Croatia)
- Francisco Javiel Gil Gala, University of Oviedo (Spain)
Towards metacognitive agents: integrating confidence in sequential decision-making
- Baptiste Pesquet, INRIA (France)
- Frédéric Alexandre, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Talence, France; LaBRI, Universite de Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP, CNRS, UMR 5800, Talence, France; Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives, CNRS, UMR 5293, Bordeaux, France (France)
Exploring Model Architectures for Real-Time Lung Sound Event Detection
- Michiel Jacobs, KU Leuven, UHasselt, Flanders Make (Belgium)
- Lode Vuegen, KU Leuven Campus Geel (Belgium)
- Tom Verresen, Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg (Belgium)
- Marie Schouterden, Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg (Belgium)
- David Ruttens, Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg, UHasselt (Belgium)
- Peter Karsmakers, KU Leuven Campus Geel (Belgium)
Inferring Underwater Topography with Finite Volume Neural Networks
- Cosku Horuz, University of Lübeck (Germany)
- Matthias Karlbauer, University of Tübingen (Germany)
- Timothy Praditia
- Sergey Oladyshkin
- Wolfgang Nowak
- Sebastian Otte
Artificial Surrogate Model for Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Abdallah Alfaham, University of Antwerp - imec IDLab - Faculty of Applied Engineering (Belgium)
- Siegfried Mercelis, University of Antwerp - imec IDLab - Faculty of Applied Engineering (Belgium)
Poster exhibition
End of conference