The following sections detail the presentation format for speakers. Please click on the type of presentation that corresponds to your situation and read in details the instructions. Please note that in almost all situations you have to send us files (slides, poster and/or videos) at the latest by Tuesday 15 April.
- Talk presentation by in-person speaker
- Poster presentation by in-person speaker
- Talk presentation by online speaker
- Poster presentation by online speaker
Talk presentation by in-person speaker
Format of the presentation
- 15' talk (+ 5' Q/A)
- Only the computer in the room may be used
To prepare and to send in advance
- It is not mandatory to send your slides in advance; however it would be very much appreciated. Please send your slides to by Tuesday 15 April at the latest, as attachment to an e-mail. If the file is too large you may use WeTransfer (; it is not necessary to have a WeTransfer account to transfer a file.
- Accepted format: PDF and Powerpoint (PDF is strongly encouraged). The title of your file must be
"ES2025_DDD_hh_mm_ID_Speaker_talkslides", where- DDD is the day of presentation of the paper (WED, THU or FRI);
- hh_mm is the time of your presentation as indicated in the conference program (e.g., 15_43, 09_07);
- ID is the ID number of your paper (for example 91 for paper ES2025-91)
- Speaker is the (last) name of the speaker.
- Slides not sent in advance have to be uploaded on the conference computer at the latest before starting the morning session or afternoon session (there is often no break between the sessions themselves, so no possibility to upload slides).
Poster presentation by in-person speaker
Format of the poster
- We need the PDF of your poster slide in advance, in order to make it available to online participants.
- In addition, bring a copy of your poster printed on a support that occupies a maximum size of 119 cm (height) x 84 cm (width) (A0 format). The format is portrait, not landscape! It is recommended to use large fonts and drawings to make the poster readable at a distance of about 80 cm. Please note that there is no easy way to print A0 posters in Bruges, so it is essential that you print your poster in your home country/city and bring it with you to Bruges.
- There is no conference template (you can use your university template, for example). However, please make sure that you clearly indicate how the author(s) can be contacted. Indeed, online participants (about 20% of the conference participants) will not be able to interact with you live during the conference; they will be informed that contact details will be available on your poster and that they can contact you. We suggest using something like "Contact details: ...", followed by the name of the contact author and at least one way to contact you (email, phone, Skype/Zoom/other, etc.).
- Posters will be pinned to the boards (pins will be provided).
Format of the spotlight
- In addition to the poster, you will present your poster in a 1-minute "spotlight" talk (live, not prerecorded) during a plenary session. Spotlights aim at raising the interest of attendees to attend your poster display, not at giving a detailed scientific message.
- Please use 1 or 2 slides (not more) for this poster spotlight presentation. Slides must be sent in advance.
To prepare and to send in advance
- It is mandatory to send both the PDF file of your poster, and the spotlight slides in advance. Please send your two files to by Tuesday 15 April at the latest, as attachment to an e-mail. If the file is too large you may use WeTransfer (; it is not necessary to have a WeTransfer account to transfer a file.
- Accepted format is PDF only, for both files. The titles of your files must be
"ES2025_DDD_hh_mm_ID_Speaker_poster" and
"ES2025_DDD_hh_mm_ID_Speaker_posterspotlightslides", where- DDD is the day of presentation of the paper (WED, THU or FRI);
- hh_mm is the time of your presentation as indicated in the conference program (e.g., 15_43, 09_07);
- ID is the ID number of your paper (for example 91 for paper ES2025-91)
- Speaker is the (last) name of the speaker
- poster for the PDF file of your poster itself, and posterspotlightslides for the slides that you will use for your 1-minute spotlight.
Talk presentation by online speaker
Format of the presentation
- 15' talk (+ 5' Q/A)
- We will use a prerecorded video of your talk; see instructions below.
- Please be connected to Zoom during the whole session of your paper (starting a little bit in advance or late is never excluded). The Q/A will be live on Zoom.
To prepare and to send in advance
- Please send in advance a video recording of your 15' presentation; we will broadcast your recording both in the conference room and through Zoom for online participants. . Please send your video to by Tuesday 15 April at the latest, as attachment to an e-mail. If the file is too large you may use WeTransfer (; it is not necessary to have a WeTransfer account to transfer a file.
- Accepted format: MP4 only. The title of your file must be
"ES2025_DDD_hh_mm_ID_Speaker_talkvideo", where- DDD is the day of presentation of the paper (WED, THU or FRI);
- hh_mm is the time of your presentation as indicated in the conference program (e.g., 15_43, 09_07);
- ID is the ID number of your paper (for example 91 for paper ES2025-91)
- Speaker is the (last) name of the speaker.
Poster presentation by online speaker
Format of the poster
- We need the PDF of your poster in advance, in order to make it available to online participants.
- The poster should be designed with the same format as in-person posters: a maximum size of 119 cm (height) x 84 cm (width) (A0 format). The format is portrait, not landscape! It is recommended to use large fonts and drawings to make the poster readable at a distance of about 80 cm (if it was a physical poster).
- There is no conference template (you can use your university template, for example). However, please make sure that you clearly indicate how the author(s) can be contacted. Indeed, participants will not be able to interact with you live during the conference; they will be informed that contact details will be available on your poster and that they can contact you. We suggest using something like "Contact details: ...", followed by the name of the contact author and at least one way to contact you (email, phone, Skype/Zoom/other, etc.).
- In addition, we will print a copy of your poster for in-person participants, and indicate that you are available offline.
Format of the spotlight
- In addition to the poster, you will present your poster in a 1-minute "spotlight" talk during a plenary session. For online speakers this spotlight must be prerecorded. Spotlights aim at raising the interest of attendees to attend your poster display, not at giving a detailed scientific message.
- Please use 1 or 2 slides (not more) for this poster spotlight presentation. The 1-minutevideo recording must be sent in advance
To prepare and to send in advance
- It is mandatory to send both the PDF file of your poster, and the video recording of your 1-minute spotlight in advance. Please send your two files to by Tuesday 15 April at the latest, as attachment to an e-mail. If the file is too large you may use WeTransfer (; it is not necessary to have a WeTransfer account to transfer a file.
- Accepted format is PDF only for the poster and MP4 for the video. The titles of your files must be
"ES2025_DDD_hh_mm_ID_Speaker_poster" and
"ES2025_DDD_hh_mm_ID_Speaker_posterspotlightvideo", where- DDD is the day of presentation of the paper (WED, THU or FRI);
- hh_mm is the time of your presentation as indicated in the conference program (e.g., 15_43, 09_07);
- ID is the ID number of your paper (for example 91 for paper ES2025-91)
- Speaker is the (last) name of the speaker
- poster for the PDF file of your poster itself, and posterspotlightvideo for your 1-minute spotlight video recording