Wednesday 24th April 1996
- 8H30 Registration
- 9H00 Opening session
Session 1: Learning and generalization 1
Chairman: H. Paugam-Moisy (E.N.S. Lyon, France) - 9H10 "Synaptic efficiency modulations for context integration:
The meta ODWE architecture"
N. Pican
INRIA Lorraine (France) - 9H30 "Using a Meta Neural Network for RPROP parameter
C. McCormack
University College Cork (Ireland) - 9H50 "On unlearnable problems -or- A model for premature
saturation in backpropagation learning"
C. Goerick, W. von Seelen
Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany) - 10H10 "Regulated Activation Weights Neural Network (RAWN)"
H.A.B. te Braake*, H.J.L. van Can*, G. van Straten**, H.B. Verbruggen*
*Delft Univ. of Technology (The Netherlands)
** Wageningen Agricultural Univ. (The Netherlands) - 10H30 "Praticing Q-learning"
J. Bruske, I. Ahrns, G. Sommer
Christian Albrechts Univ. of Kiel (Germany) - 10H50 Coffee break
Session 2: Recurrent models
Chairman: W. Duch (Nicholas Copernicus Univ., Poland) - 11H30 "Adaptative time constants improve the dynamic
features of recurrent neural networks"
J.-P. Draye*, D. Pavisic*, G. Cheron**, G. Libert*
* Fac. Polyt. Mons (Belgium), **Univ. of Brussels (Belgium) - 11H50 "An adaptive technique for pattern recognition
by the random neural network"
M. Mokhtari*,**, H. Akdag**,***
*IUT de Reims, **Univ. Paris V, ***Univ. Paris VI (France) - 12H10 "Negative initial weights improve learning in
recurrent neural networks"
D. Pavisic, J.-P. Draye, R. Teran, G. Calderon, G. Cheron, G. Libert
Fac. Polyt. Mons (Belgium) - 12H30 Lunch
Session 3: Fuzzy neural networks
Chairman: M. Verleysen (Univ. Cath. de Louvain, Belgium) - 14H00 "The extraction of Sugeno fuzzy rules from neural
A.L. Cechin, U. Epperlein, W. Rosenstiel, B. Koppenhoefer
Univ. Tübingen (Germany) - 14H20 "Neural versus neurofuzzy systems for credit approval"
S. Piramuthu
Univ. of Florida (USA) - 14H40 Invited paper:
B. Fritzke (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
"Growing self-organizing networks - Why ?" - 15H25 coffee break
Session 4: Self-organizing maps
Chairman: B. Fritzke (Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany) - 16H00 "Identification of gait patterns with self-organizing
maps based on ground reaction force"
M. Köhle, D. Merkl
Vienna Univ. of Technology (Austria) - 16H20 "A self-organizing map for analysis of high-dimensional
feature spaces with clusters of highly differing feature density"
S. Schünemann, B. Michaelis
Otto-von-Guericke Univ. Magdeburg (Germany) - 16H40 "Quantization vs Organization in the Kohonen S.O.M."
J.-C. Fort*, G. Pagès**
*Univ. Nancy I & Univ. Paris I (France)
**Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie & Univ. Paris XII (France) - 17H00 "On global self-organizing maps"
W. Duch, A. Naud
Nicholas Copernicus Univ. (Poland) - 17H20 "On the critical points of the 1-dimensional competitive
learning vector quantization algorithm"
D. Lamberton*, G. Pagès**
*Univ. Marne-la-Vallée, **Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie & Univ. Paris XII (France) - 17H40 "A Kohonen map representation to avoid misleading
M. Cottrell*, E. de Bodt**
*Univ. Paris I (France), Univ. Cat. Louvain (Belgium)
Thursday 25th April 1996
- 9H00 "FlexNet - A flexible neural network construction
K. Mohraz, P. Protzel
FORWISS, Germany - 9H20 "Incremental category learning in a real world
artifact using growing dynamic cell structures"
C. Scheier
Univ. of Zurich (Switzerland) - 9H40 "Towards constructive and destructive dynamic network
S. Wermter, M. Meurer
Univ. of Hamburg (Germany) - 10H00 "Combining sigmoids and radial basis functions
in evolutive neural architectures"
R. Chentouf, C. Jutten
I.N.P. Grenoble (France) - 10H20 Coffee break
- 11H00 Invited paper:
N. Franceschini (CNRS Marseilles, France)
"Biologically inspired eye movements for visually guided navigation of mobile robots"
F. Mura, N. Martin, N. FranceschiniSession 6: Classification
Chairman: J. Vandewalle (Kat. Univ. Leuven, Belgium) - 11H45 "A novel two-layer neural network classifier"
G. Qiu
Univ. of Derby (United Kingdom) - 12H05 "Representation of obstacles in a neural network
based classifier system"
N.R. Ball
Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom) - 12H25 "Investigating lexical access using neural nets"
M. Patel
Macquarie Univ. (Australia) - 12H45 Lunch
Session 7: Mathematical aspects of neural networks
Chairman: J.C. Fort
(Univ. Nancy I & Univ. Paris I, France) - 14H00 "Rates of approximation of real-valued boolean
functions by neural networks"
K. Hlavackova, V. Kurkova
Acad. of Sciences (Czech Republic) - 14H20 "Bounds on the degree of high order binary perceptrons"
E. Mayoraz
IDIAP (Switzerland) - 14H40 "A fast Bayesian algorithm for Boolean functions
synthesis by means of perceptron networks"
A. Catala Mallofre*, J. Aguilar-Martin*,**, B. Morcego Seix*, N. Piera i Carrete*
*Univ. Polit. Catalunya (Spain), **LAAS-CNRS (France) - 15H00 "Accomodating relevance in neural networks"
H. Wang, D. Bell
Univ. of Ulster at Jordanstown (United Kingdom) - 15H20 Coffee break
Session 8: Natural and artificial vision
Chairman: N. Franceschini (CNRS Marseilles, France) - 16H00 "Neural network for visual contrast detection"
E. Littmann*, H. Neumann*, L. Pessoa**
*Univ. of Ulm (Germany), **Univ. Federale Rio (Brazil) - 16H20 "Application of high-order Boltzmann machines
in OCR"
A. de la Hera, M. Grana, A. D'Anjou, F.X. Albizuri
UPV San Sebastian (Spain) - 16H40 "Simulation of an inner plexiform layer neural
circuit in vertebrate retina leads to sustained and transient excitation"
G. Maguire, X. Yang
Univ. of Texas (USA) - 17H00 "Analysis of visual information by receptivc field
C. Born
Ruhr-Univ. Bochum (Germany) - 17H20 "Neurotransmitterdynamics in a model of a movement
detecting visual system"
H.A.K. Mastebroek
Groningen Univ. (The Netherlands) - 20H00 Conference dinner
Session 5: Incremental learning
Chairman: T.W.S. Chow (City University of Hong Kong)
Friday 26th April 1996
- 9H00 "Recurrent least square learning for quasi-parallel
principal component analysis"
W. Kasprzak, A. Cichocki
RIKEN Frontier Research (Japan) - 9H20 "Understanding data by neural and statistical tools"
A. Guérin-Dugué, C. Avilez-Cruz, P.M. Palagi
I.N.P. Grenoble (France) - 9H40 "Error rate estimation via cross-validation and
learning curve theory"
A. Varfis, L. Corleto
CEC Joint Research Center Ispra (Italy) - 10H00 "Maximum covariance method for weight initialization
of multilayer perceptron network"
M. Lehtokangas*, P. Korpisaari**, K. Kaski**
*Nokia Research Center, **Tampere Univ. of Tech. (Finland) - 10H20 Coffee break
- 11H00 Invited paper
J. Karhunen (Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Finland)
"Neural approaches to independent component analysis and source separation"Session 10: Learning and generalization 2
Chairman: E. Mayoraz (IDIAP Martigny, Switzerland) - 11H40 "Constraining of weights using regularities"
J.N. Kok*, E. Marchiori*,**, M. Marchiori***, C. Rossi****
*Univ. of Leiden (The Netherlands), **CWI (The Netherlands), ***Univ. of Padova (Italy), ****Univ. of Venezia (Italy) - 12H00 "Regularization and neural computation: application
to aerial images analysis"
E. Schaeffer, P. Bourret, S. Montrozier
ONERA-CERT (France) - 12H20 Lunch
Session 10: Learning and generalization 2 (continued)
Chairman: E. Mayoraz (IDIAP Martigny, Switzerland) - 14H00 "An algorithm for training multilayer networks
on non-numerical data"
W. Kowalczyk
Vrije Univ. Amsterdam (The Netherlands) - 14H20 "A correlation-based network for real-time processing"
J. Ngole
Uppsala Univ. (Sweden) - 14H40 "Evolving neural network learning behaviours with
set-based chromosomes"
S.M. Lucas
Univ. of Essex (United Kingdom) - 15H00 coffee break
Session 11: Prediction
Chairman: M. Cottrell (Univ. Paris I, France) - 15H30 "Neural network application: rainfall forecasting
system in Hong Kong"
T.W.S. Chow, S. Cho
City Univ. of Hong-Kong - 15H50 "Prediction of dynamical systems with composition
Y. Moreau, J. Vandewalle
Kat. Univ. Leuven (Belgium) - 16H10 "Fast signal recognition and detection using ART1
neural networks and nonlinear preprocessing units based on time delay embeddings"
R. Dogaru, A.T. Murgan, C. Comaniciu
Polyt. Univ. of Bucharest (Romania) - 16H30 "An analysis of the metric structure of the weight
space of feedforward networks and its application to time series modeling
and prediction"
A. Ossen, S.M. Rüger
Tech. Univ. Berlin (Germany) - 16H50 "Time series prediction using neural networks
and its application to artificial human walking"
R.S. Venema, A. Ypma, J.A.G. Nijhuis, L. Spaanenburg
Rijksuniv. Groningen (The Netherlands)