Steering and local committee
Francois Blayo - Prefigure (F)
Herve Bourlard - FPMS Mons (B)
Marie Cottrell - Univ. Paris I (F)
Jeanny Hérault - INPG Grenoble (F)
Henri Leich - Fac. Polytech. Mons (B)
Bernard Manderick - Vrije Univ. Brussel (B)
Eric Noldus - Univ. Gent (B)
Jean-Pierre Peters - FUNDP Namur (B)
Joos Vandewalle - KUL Leuven (B)
Michel Verleysen - UCL Louvain-la-Neuve (B)
Scientific committee
Edoardo Amaldi - Cornell Univ. (USA)
Joan Cabestany - Univ. Polit. de Catalunya (E)
Holk Cruse - Universitat Bielefeld (D)
Eric de Bodt - UCL Louvain-la-Neuve (B)
Dante Del Corso - Politecnico di Torino (I)
Wlodek Duch - Nicholas Copernicus Univ. (PL)
Marc Duranton - Philips / LEP (F)
Jean-Claude Fort - Universite Nancy I (F)
Bernd Fritzke - Ruhr-Universitat Bochum (D)
Stan Gielen - Kat. Universiteit Nijmegen (NL)
Karl Goser - Universitat Dortmund (D)
Manuel Grana - UPV San Sebastian (E)
Martin Hasler - EPFL Lausanne (CH)
Christian Jutten - INPG Grenoble (F)
Vera Kurkova - Acad. of Science of the Czech Rep. (CZ)
Petr Lansky - Acad. of Science of the Czech Rep. (CZ)
Hans-Peter Mallot - Max-Planck Institut (D)
Eddy Mayoraz - IDIAP Martigny (CH)
Jean Arcady Meyer - Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (F)
Jose Mira Mira - UNED (E)
Pietro Morasso - Univ. of Genoa (I)
Jean-Pierre Nadal - Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (F)
Erkki Oja - Helsinky University of Technology (FIN)
Gilles Pages - Universite Paris VI (F)
Helene Paugam-Moisy - Ecole Normale Superieure Lyon (F)
Alberto Prieto - Universitad de Granada (E)
Pierre Puget - LETI Grenoble (F)
Ronan Reilly - University College Dublin (IRE)
Tamas Roska - Hungarian Academy of Science (H)
Jean-Pierre Rospars - INRA Versailles (F)
John Stonham - Brunel University (UK)
John Taylor - King's College London (UK)
Claude Touzet - IUSPIM Marseilles (F)
Marc Van Hulle - KUL Leuven (B)
Christian Wellekens - Eurecom Sophia-Antipolis (F)