Wednesday 16th April 1997
- 8H30 Registration
Session 1: Models 1
Chairman: John Taylor (King's College London, UK) - 9H00 "Speaker normalization with a mixture of recurrent networks"
E. Trentin, D. Giuliani
IRST Trento (Italy) - 9H20 "Neural network cooperation for handwritten digit recognition: a comparison of four methods"
Y. Autret*, A. Thepaut**
*Univ. Bretagne Occidentale
**Telecom Bretagne (France) - 9H40 "Probabilistic self organized map - application to classification"
F. Anouar*, F. Badran*, S. Thiria*,**
*Cons. Nat. des Arts et Métiers
**Univ. Paris 6 (France) - 10H00 "Performance of weighted radial basis function classifiers"
L.M. Reyneri, M. Sgarbi
Politecnico di Torino (Italy) - 10H20 "Equivalence of a radial basis function NN and a perceptron"
I. Grabec
Univ. of Ljubljana (Slovenia) - 10H40 Coffee break
Session 2: Biological modelling and vision
Chairman: Jean-Pierre Rospars (INRIA Versailles, France) - 11H05 "Real neurons in real networks"
T. Scutt, B. Webb
Univ. of Nottingham (UK) - 11H25 "Synchronization and oscillations in the visual cortex: a stochastic model using a spike memory term"
M. Mougeot
ENS Cachan, Univ. Paris X (France) - 11H45 "From retinal circuits to motion processing: a neuromorphic approach to velocity estimation"
A. Torralba, J. Herault
I.N.P. Grenoble (France) - 12H05 "Size invariance by dynamic scaling in neural vision systems"
G. Meierfrankenfeld, K. Kopecz
Univ. of Marburg (Germany) - 12H25 "Object recognition with banana wavelets"
N. Kruger, G. Peters
Ruhr-Univ. Bochum (Germany) - 12H45 Lunch
Invited session: Object and scene recognition: experimental results and models
Organiser: Aude Olivia (Univ. of Glasgow, UK) - 14H00 Introduction (A. Olivia)
- 14H05 "Neural network for color contrast gain control"
M. D'Zmura
Univ. of California (USA) - 14H25 "Neuronal theories and technical systems for face recognition"
R.P. Wurtz
Univ. of Groningen (The Netherlands) - 14H45 "How can the human visual system process a natural scene in under 150ms? Experiments and neural network models"
S. Thorpe
Fac. De Médecine de Rangueil (France) - 15H05 "Aspects of psychological computations in scene recognition"
P. Schyns
Univ. of Glasgow (UK) - 15H25 "Scene classification by an artificial neural network"
J. Herault
I.N.P. Grenoble (France) - 15H45 coffee break
Session 4: Statistics and rule extraction
Chairman: E. Mayoraz (IDIAP Martigny, Switzerland) - 16H10 "Two neural network methods for multidimensional scaling"
M. C. van Wezel, J. N. Kok, W. A. Kosters
Leiden Univ. (The Netherlands) - 16H30 "Sequential hypotheses tests for modelling neural networks"
U. Anders, O. Korn
Centre for European Economic Research Mannheim (Germany) - 16H50 "Extraction of crisp logical rules using constrained backpropagation networks"
W. Duch*,**, R. Adamczak**, K. Grabczewski**, M. Ishikawa*, H. Ueda*
*Kyushu Inst. Of Tech. (Japan)
**Nicholas Copernicus Univ. (Poland) - 17H10 "Knowledge extraction from neural networks for signal interpretation"
F. Alexandre, J.-F. Remm
INRIA (France) - 17H30 "Equivalent error bars for neural network classifiers trained by Bayesian inference"
P. Sykacek
Austrian Research Inst. For Artificial Intelligence (Austria)
Thursday 17th April 1997
Session 5: Forecasting and chaos
Chairman: Martin Hasler (EPF Lausanne, Switzerland)
- 9H00 "d-NARMA neural networks: a connectionist extension of ARARMA models"
D. Bonnet*,**, V. Perrault**, A. Grumbach*
*ENST Paris
**SNCF (France) - 9H20 "Neural networks modeling for time series analysis: new results"
M. Mangeas, M. Cottrell, J.-F. Yao
Univ. Paris 1 (France) - 9H40 "Error measure for identifying chaotic attractors"
T. Hrycej
Daimler-Benz AG (Germany) - 10H00 "A fuzzy Artmap neural system for the prediction of turbulent velocity fields"
J. Ferre-Gine, R. Rallo, A. Arenas, F. Giralt
Univ. Rovira I Virgili (Spain) - 10H20 Coffee break
Invited session: Theory of neural networks with statistical mechanics approaches
Organiser: M. Gordon (CEA Grenoble, France) - 10H40 Introduction (M. Gordon)
- 10H45 "Numerical simulations of an optimal algorithm for supervised learning"
A. Buhot, J.-M. Torres Moreno, M. B. Gordon
CEA Grenoble (France) - 11H05 "Exact asymptotic estimates of the storage capacities of the committee machines with overlapping and non-overlapping receptive fields"
C. Kwon*, J.-H. Oh**
*Myong Ji Univ.
**Pohang Univ. of Science and Tech. (Korea) - 11H25 "Optimal tuning curves for neurons spiking as a Poisson process"
N. Brunel, J.P. Nadal
Ecole Normale Sup. Paris (France) - 11H45 "Bayesian online learning in the perceptron"
O. Winther, S. A. Solla
Niels Bohr Inst. Copenhagen (Denmark) - 12H05 "Precursor networks for training the binary perceptron"
B. Van Rompaey
Limburgs Universitair Centrum (Belgium) - 12H25 "Noise robustness in the perceptron"
M. Copelli
Limburgs Universitair Centrum (Belgium) - 12H45 Lunch
Session 7: Self-organizing maps
Chairman: François Blayo (Prefigure Lyon, France) - 14H00 "State-space modeling using self-organizing maps"
H. Hyotyniemi
Helsinky Univ. of Technology (Finland) - 14H20 "Almost sure convergence of the one-dimensional Kohonen algorithm"
M. Benaïm*, J.-C. Fort**, G. Pagès***
*Univ. Toulouse Paul Sabatier
**Univ. Nancy Henri Poincaré and Univ. Paris 1
***Univ. Paris 12 and 6 (France) - 14H40 "Self organizing map for adaptive non-stationary clustering: some experimental results on color quantization of image sequences"
A.I. Gonzales*, M. Grana*, A. D'Anjou*, F.X. Albizuri*, M. Cottrell**
*UPV San Sebastian (Spain)
**Univ. Paris 1 (France) - 15H00 "Measuring topology preservation in maps of real-world data"
M. Herrmann*, H.-U. Bauer*, T. Villmann**
*MPI für Strömungsforschung
**Univ. Leipzig (Germany) - 15H20 "Kohonen maps versus vector quantization for data analysis"
E. de Bodt*, M. Verleysen*, M. Cottrell**
*Univ. Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
**Univ. Paris 1 (France) - 15H40 Coffee break
Session 8: Learning 1
Chairman: Wlodek Duch (Nicholas Copernicus Univ., Poland) - 16H05 "The class of linear separability method"
M. Tajine*, D. Elizondo*,**, E. Fiesler**, J. Korczak*
*Univ. Louis Pasteur (France)
**IDIAP (Switzerland) - 16H25 "Connectionist rule processing using recursive auto-associative memory"
M. St Aubyn
Univ. of Hertfordshire (UK) - 16H45 "An algebra for recognition of spatio-temporal forms"
G. Vaucher
Supelec (France) - 17H05 "Application of a self-learning controller with continuous control signals based on the DOE-approach"
M. Riedmiller
Univ. Karlsruhe (Germany) - 20H00 Conference dinner
Friday 18th April 1997
Invited session: Source separation and Independent Component Analysis
Organiser: C. Jutten (INP Grenoble, France)
- 9H00 From source separation to ICA: an introduction to the special session (C. Jutten)
- 9H05 "A learning algorithm for the blind separation of non-zero skewness source signals with no spurious equilibria"
S. Choi, R.-W. Liu
Univ. of Notre-Dame (USA) - 9H25 "A competitive learning algorithm for separating binary sources"
P. Pajunen
Helsinki Univ. of Technology (Finland) - 9H45 "A linear adaptive neural network for extraction of independent components"
Z. Malouche, O. Macchi
Supélec (France) - 10H05 "Blind equalization with a linear feedforward neural network"
X.-R. Cao*, J. Zhu*, J. Si**
*Hong-Kong Univ. of Science and Technology (Hong-Kong)
**Arizona State Univ. (USA) - 10H25 Coffee break
- 10H50 "Optimization of the asymptotic performance of time-domain convolutive source separation algorithms"
N. Charkani*, Y. Deville**
*Lab. Electronique Philips
**I.N.P. Grenoble (France) - 11H10 "Nonlinear source separation: the post-nonlinear mixtures"
A. Taleb, C. Jutten
I.N.P. Grenoble (France) - 11H30 "I.C.A.: conditions on cumulants and information theoretic approach"
J.-P. Nadal*, N. Parga**
*E.N.S. Paris (France)
**Univ. Aut. Madrid (Spain) - 11H50 "Nonlinearity and separation capability: further justification for the ICA algorithm with mixture of densities"
L. Xu*, C.C. Cheung*, J. Ruan*, S.-I. Amari**
*Chinese Univ. of Hong-Kong (Hong-Kong)
**Riken (Japan) - 12H10 "Independence is far from normal"
M. Girolami, C. Fyfe
Univ. of Paisley (UK) - 12H30 Lunch
Session 10: Learning 2
Chairman: Joan Cabestany (Univ. Polyt. Catalunya, Spain - 14H00 "Composition methods for the integration of dynamical neural networks"
Y. Moreau, J. Vandewalle
Kat. Univ. Leuven (Belgium) - 14H20 "Order between logic networks and stable neural networks"
Y. Kobuchi
Ryukoku Univ. (Japan) - 14H40 "Inductive learning in animat-based neural networks"
M. Wexler
College de France (France) LI>15H00 "Extended Bayesian learning"
S. Gutjahr, C. Nautze
Univ. of Karlsruhe (Germany) - 15H20 coffee break
Session 11: Models 2
Chairman: Eric Noldus (Univ. Gent, Belgium) - 15H30 "Evidence of efficiency of recurrent neural networks with ARMA-like units"
J.P. Draye*, D. Pavisic*, G. Cheron**, G. Libert*
*Fac. Polytech. Mons
**Univ. of Brussels (Belgium) - 15H50 "Recurrent neural networks and motor programs"
P. I. Miller
Univ. of Stirling (UK) - 16H10 "Time delay neural network for target-intercept problem solving"
A. Korgul
Military Univ. of Technology Warsaw (Poland) - 16H30 "Neural network adative wavelets for function approximation"
F. Yong, T.W.S. Chow
City Univ. of Hong-Kong (Hong-Kong)