Brussels, Belgium, April 20-21-22
Content of the proceedings
Neural networks and chaos
Theoretical aspects I
Links between neural networks and statistics
Algorithms I
Biological models
Algorithms II
Evolutive and incremental learning
Function approximation
Algorithms III
Theoretical aspects II
Neural networks and chaos
Concerning the formation of chaotic behaviour in recurrent neural networks
T. Kolb, K. Berns
Concerning the formation of chaotic behaviour in recurrent neural networks
T. Kolb, K. Berns
Stability and bifurcation in an autoassociative memory model
W.G. Gibson, J. Robinson, C.M. Thomas
Stability and bifurcation in an autoassociative memory model
W.G. Gibson, J. Robinson, C.M. Thomas
Theoretical aspects I
Capabilities of a structured neural network. Learning and comparison with classical techniques
J. Codina, J. C. Aguado, J.M. Fuertes
Capabilities of a structured neural network. Learning and comparison with classical techniques
J. Codina, J. C. Aguado, J.M. Fuertes
Projection learning: alternative approaches to the computation of the projection
K. Weigl, M. Berthod
Projection learning: alternative approaches to the computation of the projection
K. Weigl, M. Berthod
Stability bounds of momentum coefficient and learning rate in backpropagation algorithm
Z. Mao, T.C. Hsia
Stability bounds of momentum coefficient and learning rate in backpropagation algorithm
Z. Mao, T.C. Hsia
Links between neural networks and statistics
Model selection for neural networks: comparing MDL and NIC
G. te Brake, J.N. Kok, P.M.B. Vitanyi
Model selection for neural networks: comparing MDL and NIC
G. te Brake, J.N. Kok, P.M.B. Vitanyi
Estimation of performance bounds in supervised classification
P. Comon, J.L. Voz, M. Verleysen
Estimation of performance bounds in supervised classification
P. Comon, J.L. Voz, M. Verleysen
Input Parameters' estimation via neural networks
I.V. Tetko, A.I. Luik
Input Parameters' estimation via neural networks
I.V. Tetko, A.I. Luik
Combining multi-layer perceptrons in classification problems
E. Filippi, M. Costa, E. Pasero
Combining multi-layer perceptrons in classification problems
E. Filippi, M. Costa, E. Pasero
Algorithms I
Diluted neural networks with binary couplings: a replica symmetry breaking calculation of the storage capacity
J. Iwanski, J. Schietse
Diluted neural networks with binary couplings: a replica symmetry breaking calculation of the storage capacity
J. Iwanski, J. Schietse
Storage capacity of the reversed wedge perceptron with binary connections
G.J. Bex, R. Serneels
Storage capacity of the reversed wedge perceptron with binary connections
G.J. Bex, R. Serneels
A general model for higher order neurons
F.J. Lopez-Aligue, M.A. Jaramillo-Moran, I. Acedevo-Sotoca, M.G. Valle
A general model for higher order neurons
F.J. Lopez-Aligue, M.A. Jaramillo-Moran, I. Acedevo-Sotoca, M.G. Valle
A discriminative HCNN modeling
B. Petek
A discriminative HCNN modeling
B. Petek
Biological models
Biologically plausible hybrid network design and motor control
G.R. Mulhauser
Biologically plausible hybrid network design and motor control
G.R. Mulhauser
Analysis of critical effects in a stochastic neural model
W. Mommaerts, E.C. van der Meulen, T.S. Turova
Analysis of critical effects in a stochastic neural model
W. Mommaerts, E.C. van der Meulen, T.S. Turova
Stochastic model of odor intensity coding in first-order olfactory neurons
J.P. Rospars, P. Lansky
Stochastic model of odor intensity coding in first-order olfactory neurons
J.P. Rospars, P. Lansky
Memory, learning and neuromediators
A.S. Mikhailov
Memory, learning and neuromediators
A.S. Mikhailov
An explicit comparison of spike dynamics and firing rate dynamics in neural network modeling
F. Chapeau-Blondeau, N. Chambet
An explicit comparison of spike dynamics and firing rate dynamics in neural network modeling
F. Chapeau-Blondeau, N. Chambet
Algorithms II
A stop criterion for the Boltzmann machine learning algorithm
B. Ruf
A stop criterion for the Boltzmann machine learning algorithm
B. Ruf
High-order Boltzmann machines applied to the Monk's problems
M. Grana, V. Lavin, A. D'Anjou, F.X. Albizuri, J.A. Lozano
High-order Boltzmann machines applied to the Monk's problems
M. Grana, V. Lavin, A. D'Anjou, F.X. Albizuri, J.A. Lozano
A constructive training algorithm for feedforward neural networks with ternary weights
F. Aviolat, E. Mayoraz
A constructive training algorithm for feedforward neural networks with ternary weights
F. Aviolat, E. Mayoraz
Synchronization in a neural network of phase oscillators with time delayed coupling
T.B. Luzyanina
Synchronization in a neural network of phase oscillators with time delayed coupling
T.B. Luzyanina
Evolutive and incremental learning
Reinforcement learning and neural reinforcement learning
S. Sehad, C. Touzet
Reinforcement learning and neural reinforcement learning
S. Sehad, C. Touzet
Improving piecewise linear separation incremental algorithms using complexity reduction methods
J.M. Moreno, F. Castillo, J. Cabestany
Improving piecewise linear separation incremental algorithms using complexity reduction methods
J.M. Moreno, F. Castillo, J. Cabestany
A comparison of two weight pruning methods
O. Fambon, C. Jutten
A comparison of two weight pruning methods
O. Fambon, C. Jutten
Extending immediate reinforcement learning on neural networks to multiple actions
C. Touzet
Extending immediate reinforcement learning on neural networks to multiple actions
C. Touzet
Incremental increased complexity training
J. Ludik, I. Cloete
Incremental increased complexity training
J. Ludik, I. Cloete
Function approximation
Approximation of continuous functions by RBF and KBF networks
V. Kurkova, K. Hlavackova
Approximation of continuous functions by RBF and KBF networks
V. Kurkova, K. Hlavackova
An optimized RBF network for approximation of functions
M. Verleysen, K. Hlavackova
An optimized RBF network for approximation of functions
M. Verleysen, K. Hlavackova
VLSI complexity reduction by piece-wise approximation of the sigmoid function
V. Beiu, J.A. Peperstraete, J. Vandewalle, R. Lauwereins
VLSI complexity reduction by piece-wise approximation of the sigmoid function
V. Beiu, J.A. Peperstraete, J. Vandewalle, R. Lauwereins
Algorithms III
Dynamic pattern selection for faster learning and controlled generalization of neural networks
A. Röbel
Dynamic pattern selection for faster learning and controlled generalization of neural networks
A. Röbel
Noise reduction by multi-target learning
J.A. Bullinaria
Noise reduction by multi-target learning
J.A. Bullinaria
Variable binding in a neural network using a distributed representation
A. Browne, J. Pilkington
Variable binding in a neural network using a distributed representation
A. Browne, J. Pilkington
A comparison of neural networks, linear controllers, genetic algorithms and simulated annealing for real time control
M. Chiaberge, J.J. Merelo, L.M. Reyneri, A. Prieto, L. Zocca
A comparison of neural networks, linear controllers, genetic algorithms and simulated annealing for real time control
M. Chiaberge, J.J. Merelo, L.M. Reyneri, A. Prieto, L. Zocca
Visualizing the learning process for neural networks
R. Rojas
Visualizing the learning process for neural networks
R. Rojas
Theoretical aspects II
Stability analysis of diagonal recurrent neural networks
Y. Tan, M. Loccufier, R. De Keyser, E. Noldus
Stability analysis of diagonal recurrent neural networks
Y. Tan, M. Loccufier, R. De Keyser, E. Noldus
Stochastics of on-line back-propagation
T. Heskes
Stochastics of on-line back-propagation
T. Heskes
A lateral contribution learning algorithm for multi MLP architecture
N. Pican, J.C. Fort, F. Alexandre
A lateral contribution learning algorithm for multi MLP architecture
N. Pican, J.C. Fort, F. Alexandre
Two or three things that we know about the Kohonen algorithm
M. Cottrell, J.C. Fort, G. Pagès
Two or three things that we know about the Kohonen algorithm
M. Cottrell, J.C. Fort, G. Pagès
Decoding functions for Kohonen maps
M. Alvarez, A. Varfis
Decoding functions for Kohonen maps
M. Alvarez, A. Varfis
Improvement of learning results of the selforganizing map by calculating fractal dimensions
H. Speckmann, G. Raddatz, W. Rosenstiel
Improvement of learning results of the selforganizing map by calculating fractal dimensions
H. Speckmann, G. Raddatz, W. Rosenstiel
A non linear Kohonen algorithm
J.-C. Fort, G. Pagès
A non linear Kohonen algorithm
J.-C. Fort, G. Pagès
Self-organizing maps based on differential equations
A. Kanstein, K. Goser
Self-organizing maps based on differential equations
A. Kanstein, K. Goser
Instabilities in self-organized feature maps with short neighbourhood range
R. Der, M. Herrmann
Instabilities in self-organized feature maps with short neighbourhood range
R. Der, M. Herrmann