Brussels, Belgium, April 19-20-21
Content of the proceedings
Models I
Signal processing and chaos
Biological models
Special session on the Elena-Nerves2 ESPRIT Basic Research project
Theory of learning systems
Biological vision
Models II
Classification and control
Invited paper
Radial-basis functions
Function approximation
Multi-layer perceptrons
Self-organisation, metastable states and the ODE method in the Kohonen neural network
J.A. Flanagan, M. Hasler
Self-organisation, metastable states and the ODE method in the Kohonen neural network
J.A. Flanagan, M. Hasler
About the Kohonen algorithm: strong or weak self-organization?
J.-C. Fort, G. Pagès
About the Kohonen algorithm: strong or weak self-organization?
J.-C. Fort, G. Pagès
Topological interpolation in SOM by affine transformations
J. Göppert, W. Rosenstiel
Topological interpolation in SOM by affine transformations
J. Göppert, W. Rosenstiel
Multiple correspondence analysis of a crosstabulations matrix using the Kohonen algorithm
S. Ibbou, M. Cottrell
Multiple correspondence analysis of a crosstabulations matrix using the Kohonen algorithm
S. Ibbou, M. Cottrell
Models I
Identification of the human arm kinetics using dynamic recurrent neural networks
J.-P. Draye, G. Cheron, M. Bourgeois, D. Pavisic, G. Libert
Identification of the human arm kinetics using dynamic recurrent neural networks
J.-P. Draye, G. Cheron, M. Bourgeois, D. Pavisic, G. Libert
Simplified cascade-correlation learning
M. Lehtokangas, J. Saarinen, K. Kaski
Simplified cascade-correlation learning
M. Lehtokangas, J. Saarinen, K. Kaski
Active noise control with dynamic recurrent neural networks
D. Pavisic, L. Blondel, J.-P. Draye, G. Libert, P. Chapelle
Active noise control with dynamic recurrent neural networks
D. Pavisic, L. Blondel, J.-P. Draye, G. Libert, P. Chapelle
Cascade learning for FIR-TDNNs
M. Diepenhorst, J.A.G. Nijhuis, L. Spaanenburg
Cascade learning for FIR-TDNNs
M. Diepenhorst, J.A.G. Nijhuis, L. Spaanenburg
Signal processing and chaos
Adaptive signal processing with unidirectional Hebbian adaptation laws
J. Dehaene, J. Vandewalle
Adaptive signal processing with unidirectional Hebbian adaptation laws
J. Dehaene, J. Vandewalle
MAP decomposition of a mixture of AR signal using multilayer perceptrons
C. Couvreur
MAP decomposition of a mixture of AR signal using multilayer perceptrons
C. Couvreur
XOR and backpropagation learning: in and out of the chaos?
K. Bertels, L. Neuberg, S. Vassiliadis, G. Pechanek
XOR and backpropagation learning: in and out of the chaos?
K. Bertels, L. Neuberg, S. Vassiliadis, G. Pechanek
Analog Brownian weight movement for learning of artificial neural networks
M.R. Belli, M. Conti, C. Turchetti
Analog Brownian weight movement for learning of artificial neural networks
M.R. Belli, M. Conti, C. Turchetti
Biological models
Spatial summation in simple cells: computational and experimental results
F. Wörgötter, E. Nelle, B. Li, L. Wang, Y.-C. Diao
Spatial summation in simple cells: computational and experimental results
F. Wörgötter, E. Nelle, B. Li, L. Wang, Y.-C. Diao
Activity-dependent neurite outgrowth in a simple network model including excitation and inhibition
C. van Oss, A. van Ooyen
Activity-dependent neurite outgrowth in a simple network model including excitation and inhibition
C. van Oss, A. van Ooyen
Predicting spike train responses of neuron models
S. Joeken, H. Schwegler
Predicting spike train responses of neuron models
S. Joeken, H. Schwegler
A distribution-based model of the dynamics of neural networks in the cerebral cortex
A. Terao, M. Akamatsu, J. Seal
A distribution-based model of the dynamics of neural networks in the cerebral cortex
A. Terao, M. Akamatsu, J. Seal
Some new results on the coding of pheromone intensity in an olfactory sensory neuron
A. Vermeulen, J.-P. Rospars, P. Lansky, H.C. Tuckwell
Some new results on the coding of pheromone intensity in an olfactory sensory neuron
A. Vermeulen, J.-P. Rospars, P. Lansky, H.C. Tuckwell
Special session on the Elena-Nerves2 ESPRIT Basic Research project
Invited paper: Supervised classification: a probabilistic approach
P. Comon
Invited paper: Supervised classification: a probabilistic approach
P. Comon
Invited paper: Pruning methods: a review
C. Jutten, O. Fambon
Invited paper: Pruning methods: a review
C. Jutten, O. Fambon
A deterministic method for establishing the initial conditions in the RCE algorithm
J.M. Moreno, F.X. Vazquez, F. Castillo, J. Madrenas, J. Cabestany
A deterministic method for establishing the initial conditions in the RCE algorithm
J.M. Moreno, F.X. Vazquez, F. Castillo, J. Madrenas, J. Cabestany
Pruning kernel density estimators
O. Fambon, C. Jutten
Pruning kernel density estimators
O. Fambon, C. Jutten
Suboptimal Bayesian classification by vector quantization with small clusters
J.L. Voz, M. Verleysen, P. Thissen, J.D. Legat
Suboptimal Bayesian classification by vector quantization with small clusters
J.L. Voz, M. Verleysen, P. Thissen, J.D. Legat
Theory of learning systems
Knowledge and generalisation in simple learning systems
D. Barber, D. Saad
Knowledge and generalisation in simple learning systems
D. Barber, D. Saad
Control of complexity in learning with perturbed inputs
Y. Grandvalet, S. Canu, S. Boucheron
Control of complexity in learning with perturbed inputs
Y. Grandvalet, S. Canu, S. Boucheron
An episodic knowledge base for object understanding
U.-D. Braumann, H.-J. Boehme, H.-M. Gross
An episodic knowledge base for object understanding
U.-D. Braumann, H.-J. Boehme, H.-M. Gross
Neurosymbolic integration: unified versus hybrid approaches
M. Hilario, Y. Lallement, F. Alexandre
Neurosymbolic integration: unified versus hybrid approaches
M. Hilario, Y. Lallement, F. Alexandre
Biological vision
Improving object recognition by using a visual latency mechanism
R. Opara, F. Wörgörter
Improving object recognition by using a visual latency mechanism
R. Opara, F. Wörgörter
On the function of the retinal bipolar cell in early vision
S. Ohshima, T. Yagi, Y. Funahashi
On the function of the retinal bipolar cell in early vision
S. Ohshima, T. Yagi, Y. Funahashi
Sustained and transient amacrine cell circuits underlying the receptive fields of ganglion cells in the vertebrate retina
G. Maguire
Sustained and transient amacrine cell circuits underlying the receptive fields of ganglion cells in the vertebrate retina
G. Maguire
Latency-reduction in antagonistic visual channels as the result of corticofugal feedback
J. Köhn, F. Wörgötter
Latency-reduction in antagonistic visual channels as the result of corticofugal feedback
J. Köhn, F. Wörgötter
Models II
Minimum entropy queries for linear students learning nonlinear rules
P. Sollich
Minimum entropy queries for linear students learning nonlinear rules
P. Sollich
An asymmetric associative memory model based on relaxation labeling processes
M. Pelillo, A.M. Fanelli
An asymmetric associative memory model based on relaxation labeling processes
M. Pelillo, A.M. Fanelli
Invariant measure for an infinite neural network
T.S. Turova
Invariant measure for an infinite neural network
T.S. Turova
Growing adaptive neural networks with graph grammars
S.M. Lucas
Growing adaptive neural networks with graph grammars
S.M. Lucas
Constructing feed-forward neural networks for binary classification tasks
C. Campbell, C. Perez Vincente
Constructing feed-forward neural networks for binary classification tasks
C. Campbell, C. Perez Vincente
Classification and control
Improvement of EEG classification with a subject-specific feature selection
M. Pregenzer, G. Pfurtscheller, C. Andrew
Improvement of EEG classification with a subject-specific feature selection
M. Pregenzer, G. Pfurtscheller, C. Andrew
Neural networks for invariant pattern recognition
J. Wood, J. Shawe-Taylor
Neural networks for invariant pattern recognition
J. Wood, J. Shawe-Taylor
Derivation of a new criterion function based on an information measure for improving piecewise linear separation incremental algorithms
J. Cuguero, J. Madrenas, J.M. Moreno, J. Cabestany
Derivation of a new criterion function based on an information measure for improving piecewise linear separation incremental algorithms
J. Cuguero, J. Madrenas, J.M. Moreno, J. Cabestany
Neural network based one-step ahead control and its stability
Y. Tan, A.R. Van Cauwenberghe
Neural network based one-step ahead control and its stability
Y. Tan, A.R. Van Cauwenberghe
NLq theory: unifications in the theory of neural networks, systems and control
J. Suykens, B. De Moor, J. Vandewalle
NLq theory: unifications in the theory of neural networks, systems and control
J. Suykens, B. De Moor, J. Vandewalle
Invited paper
Learning of cognitive maps from sequences of views
H.P. Mallot
Learning of cognitive maps from sequences of views
H.P. Mallot
Radial-basis functions
Trimming the inputs of RBF networks
C. Andrew, M. Kubat, G. Pfurtscheller
Trimming the inputs of RBF networks
C. Andrew, M. Kubat, G. Pfurtscheller
Learning the appropriate representation paradigm by circular processing units
S. Ridella, S. Rovetta, R. Zunino
Learning the appropriate representation paradigm by circular processing units
S. Ridella, S. Rovetta, R. Zunino
Radial basis functions in the Fourier domain
M. Orr
Radial basis functions in the Fourier domain
M. Orr
Function approximation
Function approximation by localized basis function neural network
M. Kokol, I. Grabec
Function approximation by localized basis function neural network
M. Kokol, I. Grabec
Functional approximation by perceptrons: a new approach
J.-G. Attali, G. Pagès
Functional approximation by perceptrons: a new approach
J.-G. Attali, G. Pagès
Approximation of functions by Gaussian RBF networks with bouded number of hidden units
V. Kurkova
Approximation of functions by Gaussian RBF networks with bouded number of hidden units
V. Kurkova
Neural network piecewise linear preprocessing for time-series prediction
T.W.S. Chow, C.T. Leung
Neural network piecewise linear preprocessing for time-series prediction
T.W.S. Chow, C.T. Leung
An upper estimate of the error of approximation of continuous multivariable functions by KBF networks
K. Hlavackova
An upper estimate of the error of approximation of continuous multivariable functions by KBF networks
K. Hlavackova
Multi-layer perceptrons
Multi-sigmoidal units and neural networks
J.A. Drakopoulos
Multi-sigmoidal units and neural networks
J.A. Drakopoulos
Performance analysis of a MLP weight initialization algorithm
M. Karouia, R. Lengellé, T. Denoeux
Performance analysis of a MLP weight initialization algorithm
M. Karouia, R. Lengellé, T. Denoeux
Alternative output representation schemes affect learning and generalization of back-propagation ANNs; a decision support application
P.K. Psomas, G.D. Hilakos, C.F. Christoyannis, N.K. Uzunoglu
Alternative output representation schemes affect learning and generalization of back-propagation ANNs; a decision support application
P.K. Psomas, G.D. Hilakos, C.F. Christoyannis, N.K. Uzunoglu
A new training algorithm for feedforward neural networks
B.K. Verma, J.J. Mulawka
A new training algorithm for feedforward neural networks
B.K. Verma, J.J. Mulawka
An evolutive architecture coupled with optimal perceptron learning for classification
J.-M. Torres Moreno, P. Peretto, M. B. Gordon
An evolutive architecture coupled with optimal perceptron learning for classification
J.-M. Torres Moreno, P. Peretto, M. B. Gordon