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Ernesto Burattini
- ESANN 2011 - Thresholds tuning of a neuro-symbolic net controlling a behavior-based robotic system [Details]
- ESANN 2016 - Simultaneous estimation of rewards and dynamics from noisy expert demonstrations [Details]
- ESANN 2019 - Learning multimodal fixed-point weights using gradient descent [Details]
- ESANN 1999 - A hybrid system for fraud detection in mobile communications [Details]
- ESANN 2016 - Augmenting a convolutional neural network with local histograms - A case study in crop classification from high-resolution UAV imagery [Details]
- ESANN 2018 - Quantifying the Reservoir Quality using Dimensionality Reduction Techniques [Details]
- ESANN 2023 - Multimodal Recognition of Valence, Arousal and Dominance via Late-Fusion of Text, Audio and Facial Expressions [Details]
- ESANN 2005 - Neuromimetic model of interval timing [Details]
- ESANN 2005 - Using generic neural networks in the control and prediction of grasp postures [Details]
- ESANN 1999 - Modeling face recognition learning in early infant development [Details]
- ESANN 2007 - Algebraic inversion of an artificial neural network classifier [Details]
- ESANN 2007 - Synchronization and acceleration: complementary mechanisms of temporal coding [Details]
- ESANN 2008 - The gamma cycle and its role in the formation of assemblies [Details]
- ESANN 2009 - Zero phase-lag synchronization through short-term modulations [Details]
- ESANN 2010 - Neural oscillations allow for selective inhibition - New perspective on the role of cortical gamma oscillations [Details]
- ESANN 2016 - Deep neural network analysis of go games: which stones motivate a move? [Details]
- ESANN 2016 - Feature binding in deep convolution networks with recurrences, oscillations, and top-down modulated dynamics [Details]
- ESANN 2020 - Recurrent Feedback Improves Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects [Details]
- ESANN 2024 - Federated Time Series Classification with ROCKET features [Details]
- ESANN 2017 - Large-scale nonlinear dimensionality reduction for network intrusion detection [Details]
- ESANN 2010 - Extending reservoir computing with random static projections: a hybrid between extreme learning and RC [Details]
- ESANN 2006 - Exploring the role of intrinsic plasticity for the learning of sensory representations [Details]
- ESANN 2008 - Direct and inverse solution for a stimulus adaptation problem using SVR [Details]
- ESANN 2016 - Enhancing a social science model-building workflow with interactive visualisation [Details]
- ESANN 2015 - Learning Recurrent Dynamics using Differential Evolution [Details]