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Juan Gómez-Sanchis
- ESANN 2021 - End-to-end Keyword Spotting using Xception-1d [Details]
- ESANN 2005 - An On-line Fisher Discriminant [Details]
- ESANN 2005 - Boosting by weighting boundary and erroneous samples [Details]
- ESANN 2006 - Designing neural network committees by combining boosting ensembles [Details]
- ESANN 2006 - Extended model of conditioned learning within latent inhibition [Details]
- ESANN 2016 - Feature definition, analysis and selection for lung nodule classification in chest computerized tomography images [Details]
- ESANN 2002 - Evaluating the impact of multiplicative input perturbations on radial basis function networks [Details]
- ESANN 1997 - Self organizing map for adaptive non-stationary clustering: some experimental results on color quantization of image sequences [Details]
- ESANN 2007 - Interval discriminant analysis using support vector machines [Details]
- ESANN 2004 - MultiGrid-Based Fuzzy Systems for Time Series: Forecasting: Overcoming the curse of dimensionality [Details]
- ESANN 2003 - 1-v-1 Tri-Class SV Machine [Details]
- ESANN 2009 - Multiclass brain computer interface based on visual attention [Details]
- ESANN 2010 - KNN behavior with set-valued attributes [Details]
- ESANN 2008 - Feature Selection in Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Brain Tumor Classification [Details]
- ESANN 2011 - A post-processing strategy for SVM learning from unbalanced data [Details]
- ESANN 2017 - High dimensionality voltammetric biosensor data processed with artificial neural networks [Details]
- ESANN 2022 - Interactive dual projections for gene expression analysis [Details]
- ESANN 2022 - Interactive visual analytics for medical data: application to COVID-19 clinical information during the first wave [Details]
- No papers found
- ESANN 1999 - Supervised Art-II: a new neural network architecture, with quicker learning algorithm, for learning and classifying multivaled input patterns [Details]
- ESANN 2003 - Statistical downscaling with artificial neural networks [Details]
- ESANN 2019 - Detecting adversarial examples with inductive Venn-ABERS predictors [Details]
- ESANN 2020 - Locally Adaptive Nearest Neighbors [Details]
- ESANN 2016 - Gaussian process prediction for time series of structured data [Details]
- ESANN 2017 - Feature Relevance Bounds for Linear Classification [Details]
- ESANN 1995 - Topological interpolation in SOM by affine transformations [Details]
- ESANN 2020 - Respiratory Pattern Recognition from Low-Resolution Thermal Imaging [Details]
- ESANN 2005 - Using generic neural networks in the control and prediction of grasp postures [Details]
- ESANN 1993 - Minimerror: a perceptron learning rule that finds the optimal weights [Details]
- ESANN 1995 - An evolutive architecture coupled with optimal perceptron learning for classification [Details]
- ESANN 1997 - Numerical simulations of an optimal algorithm for supervised learning [Details]
- ESANN 1999 - Detection of two Gaussian clusters [Details]
- ESANN 1999 - Statistical mechanics of support vector machine [Details]
- ESANN 2004 - Computational model of amygdala network supported by neurobiological data [Details]
- ESANN 2025 - Stability of State and Costate Dynamics in Continuous Time Recurrent Neural Networks [Details]
- ESANN 2016 - Learning with hard constraints as a limit case of learning with soft constraints [Details]