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Xiaoguang Wang
- ESANN 2017 - Partition-wise Recurrent Neural Networks for Point-based AIS Trajectory Classification [Details]
- ESANN 2017 - Learning convolutional neural network to maximize Pos@Top performance measure [Details]
- ESANN 2011 - Approaches for Automatic Speaker Recognition in a Binaural Humanoid Context [Details]
- ESANN 2005 - A neural network approach of ultra-wideband nearfield adaptive beamforming [Details]
- ESANN 2005 - A ridgelet kernel regression model using genetic algorithm [Details]
- ESANN 2005 - UWB radar target identification based on linear RBFNN [Details]
- ESANN 2018 - Prototype-based analysis of GAMA galaxy catalogue data [Details]
- ESANN 2014 - Tensor decomposition of dense SIFT descriptors in object recognition [Details]
- ESANN 2014 - Using Shannon Entropy as EEG Signal Feature for Fast Person Identification [Details]
- ESANN 2007 - Intrinsic plasticity for reservoir learning algorithms [Details]
- ESANN 2014 - Region of interest detection using MLP [Details]
- ESANN 2015 - Hierarchical, prototype-based clustering of multiple time series with missing values [Details]
- ESANN 2017 - A novel principle for causal inference in data with small error variance [Details]
- ESANN 2003 - Neural coding model using the morphoelectrotonic transform theory [Details]
- ESANN 1999 - Support vector machines for multi-class pattern recognition [Details]
- ESANN 2007 - A neural model of cross-modal association in insects [Details]
- ESANN 1997 - Real neurons in real networks [Details]
- ESANN 2024 - Embodying Language Models in Robot Action [Details]
- ESANN 2012 - Process Mining in Non-Stationary Environments [Details]
- ESANN 2021 - Lifelong Learning from Event-based Data [Details]
- ESANN 2018 - A Sub-Layered Hierarchical Pyramidal Neural Architecture for Facial Expression Recognition [Details]
- ESANN 2018 - Image-to-Text Transduction with Spatial Self-Attention [Details]
- ESANN 2018 - Slowness-based neural visuomotor control with an Intrinsically motivated Continuous Actor-Critic [Details]
- ESANN 1998 - Facial image retrieval using sequential classifiers [Details]
- ESANN 2014 - Learning predictive partitions for continuous feature spaces [Details]
- ESANN 2021 - Supervised learning of convex piecewise linear approximations of optimization problems [Details]
- ESANN 2010 - Towards sub-quadratic learning of probability density models in the form of mixtures of trees [Details]
- ESANN 2011 - Iterative multi-task sequence labeling for predicting structural properties of proteins [Details]
- ESANN 2012 - L1-based compression of random forest models [Details]
- ESANN 2012 - Supervised learning to tune simulated annealing for in silico protein structure prediction [Details]
- ESANN 2000 - A neural network for undercomplete independent component analysis [Details]
- ESANN 2023 - Adversarial Auditing of Machine Learning Models under Compound Shift [Details]
- ESANN 2024 - Online Adaptation of Compressed Models by Pre-Training and Task-Relevant Pruning [Details]
- ESANN 2012 - Recurrent Neural State Estimation in Domains with Long-Term Dependencies [Details]
- ESANN 2019 - Multilingual short text categorization using convolutional neural network [Details]
- ESANN 1994 - Projection learning: alternative approaches to the computation of the projection [Details]
- ESANN 2016 - On the improvement of static force capacity of humanoid robots based on plants behavior [Details]
- No papers found